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Team Challenge Problem - modularity in Bayesian language models


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Hakaru Team Challenge Problem

The Hakaru Team Challenge Problem focuses on modulularity. We will implement a variety of text analysis models and explore the way a changes in the abstract model map to changes in a Hakaru implementation.

Our first step in this process is a Naive Bayes (NB) model. NB is not specific to text analysis, but is really a class of models; an NB model is one that assumes the features are independent. Though this assumption is seldom valid, it leads to great simplification for inference, and the loss of fit relative to a model with more complex dependencies is often surprisingly small.

In contrast with most other models we'll examine, the NB model presented here is supervised. We train on a

Quick Start

The tcp repository includes the main hakaru repository as a submodule, so cloning requires an additional --recursive switch. (see Git-SCM for details)

From a command line, the following will install, build, and execute the code:

git clone --recursive
cd tcp
make run

The result of this is the file nb-confusion.pdf, a plot of the confusion matrix, comparing predicted


Our approach is expressed across several components:

  • The Hakaru Code
  • Haskell code to read in data
  • Haskell code to call Hakaru and output true vs predicted class assignments
  • R code to aggregate the result into a confusion matrix and produce an image

The processing pipeline has several steps:

  1. The Hakaru command-line tool simplify is called to transform the original Hakaru model file into one that can be executed more efficiently. The result is Hakaru code to sample from the posterior distribution.
  2. unsample removes the sampling operation, resulting in Hakaru code that returns the posterior class probabilities.
  3. summary tranforms this by introducing data types that can more efficiently represent aggregation operations, and outputs Haskell source code NaiveBayes.hs
  4. The prog function from the NaiveBayes module is called from the Main module, which maps over all indices, leaving one out at each step.
  5. The Main module performs maximum a posteriori estimation of the posterior class, just finding the maximal posterior class probability.

The Hakaru Code

The Hakaru code includes two functions:

  • dirichlet takes an array of probabilities and returns a measure corresponding to the Dirichlet distribution. This can be re-used across models. This will soon be simpler with the coming implementation of an include primitive.
  • naive_bayes represents the model itself. This takes several parameters:
    • topic_prior and word_prior are prior marginal probabilities on topics (class assignments) and words, respectively.
    • z if an array mapping a given document index to the corresponding topic.
    • w is an array mapping a given token to its ID in the vocabulary. This is stored as if all documents were concatenated.
    • doc is the document ID of a given token.
    • docUpdate is the document ID to be excluded from the training set, and instead used for evaluation.
def dirichlet(as array(prob)):
    xs <~ plate i of int2nat(size(as)-1):
            beta(summate j from i+1 to size(as): as[j],
    return array i of size(as):
             x = product j from 0 to i: xs[j]
             x * if i+1==size(as): 1 else: real2prob(1-xs[i])


def naive_bayes( topic_prior array(prob)
               , word_prior array(prob)
               , z array(nat)
               , w array(nat)
               , doc array(nat)
               , docUpdate nat ):

  if docUpdate < size(z):

    # priors
    theta <~ dirichlet(topic_prior)   # topic prevalence
    phi   <~ plate k of size(topic_prior):
                dirichlet(word_prior) # word dist for topic k

    # likelihood
    zNew <~ categorical(array i of size(topic_prior): 1)
    z <~ plate i of size(z):
            zz = if i == docUpdate: zNew else: z[i]
            observe(categorical(theta), zz)

    w <~ plate n of size(w):   # word n
            observe(categorical(phi[z[doc[n]]]), w[n])

    return zNew

  else: reject. measure(nat)



Team Challenge Problem - modularity in Bayesian language models







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