NCode is used with an ESP8266. Intension is to have a Weatherstation with multiple Sensors, Additionally i have many indoor Sensors (per room in my house).
This Arduino Project is a NodeMCU (ESP8266) based Weatherstation, with the following features:
imlemented Sensors:
- DHT22 (Temp & Humidity)
- Sensirion SHT31 (Temp & Humidity) My Favorite
- MCP9808 (Temp)
- Bosch BMP388 (Air Pressure & Temp)
- MH-Z19B (CO2 Sensor) <20$ AliExpress
- DS18B20 (Temp) Be careful, this sensor has Problems with self-heating, needs to be soldered with very short legs
- ST VL53L0 proximitySensor
- ST VL6180 proximitySensor
- Wind Speed Sensor
- AMS BH1750 (light Sensor)
Implemented Dispaly (for Indoor use)
- SSD1306 (OLED 128x64 pixel)
Implemented Air condition control (via IR LED)
Implemented Services:
- Home Assistant Auto Discovery
- Wunderground (upload Data to your personal Weatherstation)
- Pushingbox (sent Push Notifications to your mobile device
- MQTT (Publish your Measurements to your MQTT Broker)
- NTP CLient (get current time from a NTP Server)
Implemented features:
- Automatic Summertime / Wintertime change
- Code works also if no Sensor is connected, or only a few
- Calculate Dew Point
- Sent automatic Status Information via Pushingbox
- Automatically select WiFi with best signal strenght
You will need the following Arduino Libraries:
- ESP8266WiFi.h
- DHT.h
- OneWire.h
- DallasTemperature.h
- WiFiAutoSelector.h //
- Wire.h
- Adafruit_SHT31.h
- Adafruit_BMP280.h
- Adafruit_MCP9808.h
- NTPClient.h
- WiFiUdp.h
- TimeLib.h
- ArduinoJson.h
- PubSubClient.h
- mhz19.h
- SoftwareSerial.h
Pinning of your NodeMCU pins where your sensors are connected:
- D1 //Connect Speed Sensor (Wind Sensor)
- D2 //Connect Pulse Sensor (Energy Sensor)
- D4 // this Connects DHT22 to NodeMCU Pin D4
- D5 //defines the i2C Clock Pin on D5
- D6 //defines the i2C Data Pin on D6
- D7 //this is PWM input for MHZ19-B Co2 Sensor to NodeMCU Pin D7
- D8 // this Connects MAXIM DS18B20 to NodeMCU Pin D8
No Power Saving Modes are implemented, so Powering without batteries is recommended.
Have fun