This repository contains the source code and files for the Awake website, a platform for social change and youth empowerment.
- Responsive design
- Dynamic content
- Custom pages for blog, shop, cart, resources, testimonials, team, and more
- Integration with PayPal and Venmo for online payments (under-construction)
- Blog: This page displays all the blog posts in a chronological order. Each post includes a title, author, date, and a short excerpt. Users can click on a post to read the full content.
- Shop: This is where the products or services are listed. Each listing includes a picture, title, price, and a short description. Users can add items to their cart directly from this page.
- Cart: This page shows the items that users have added to their cart. Users can view their items, adjust quantities, remove items, or proceed to checkout from this page.
- Resources: This page provides various resources related to the website's theme. These could be articles, links, downloadable files, videos, etc.
- Testimonials: This page showcases reviews or feedback from users or clients. Each testimonial includes the person's name, picture, and their feedback.
- Team: This page introduces the team members and the board members working behind the organization. Each member's profile includes their picture, name, role, a short bio, and links to their social media profiles (if available).
- Programs: This page provides information about the various programs or projects that the organization is running. It includes details like the programs' purpose, activities, achievements, and how users can get involved.