This repo for 1337 students where they can find solutions of every session problem
Problem List:
- Problem 1 : Full disk
- Problem 2 : ctkahp quit unexpectedly
- Problem 3 : iscsi-target problem
- Problem 4 : install brew
- Problem 5 : No more .DS_Store
- Problem 6 : Norminete Time-out
- Problem 7 : Unavailable
- Problem 8 : Install valgrind
- Problem 9 : valgrind: Unknown/uninstalled VG_PLATFORM 'amd64-darwin'
- Problem 10: Losing all the configuration & the extension on VScode
- Problem 11: clone old repos vogsphere-v2
easy, use this tool Cclean developed by the student : Omar Bouykourne.
You have to remake the symbolic links to goinfre directories and also clean the Chrome cache.
New service is deployed by 1337 Staff iscsi-tools , so you could by yourself fix iscsi-target problems, first you have to login in intra (using your mobile phone or your peer computer) and click on fix iscsi. (easy-peasy 😁)
script 1:
git clone --branch 2.0.6 $HOME/brew
export PATH=$HOME/brew/bin:$PATH
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/brew/bin:$PATH' >> $HOME/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
script 2:
rm -rfv $HOME/.brew && git clone --progress --verbose --depth=1 $HOME/.brew && echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.brew/bin:$PATH' >> $HOME/.zshrc && source $HOME/.zshrc && brew update -v
script 3:
rm -rf $HOME/.brew && git clone --depth=1 $HOME/.brew && export PATH=$HOME/.brew/bin:$PATH && brew update && echo "export PATH=$HOME/.brew/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.zshrc
script :
find ~Desktop -name .DS_Store -depth -exec rm {} \;
P.S : Add it as an alias
Use this tool codam-norminette-plus and you can also use this extension on vs code Codam Norminette
To solve this problem follow these steps :
1. open iTerm
2. execute the following command until you find this result "kdestroy: krb5_cc_destroy: No credentials cache file found"
$ kdestroy
3. execute and fill-in it with your infos
$ kinit
4. Go to SETTINGS -> Security.
click here : link
And click on :
5. Finally, log out from your session and re-login
- install brew first (check problem 4)
- run this :
$ brew install valgrind
- remove valgrind (if it exist)
$ brew uninstall -f valgrind
- And run this :
$ git clone
$ cd valgrind
$ git checkout feature/v3.14/macos-mojave-support-v2
$ ./
$ ./configure --prefix=/Users/"login"/valgrind
$ make install
- And finally, add this to this file ~/.zshrc
export PATH="/Users/"login"/valgrind/bin:$PATH"
Use this extension on vs code (U should have a github account) Settings Sync
Run this :
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
$ cd ~/.ssh
$ cat
Then copy the result to Vogsphere v2 SSH Keys here