I am on the way to shapen my career as a professional software developer! 🌱 My interested fields: Web Development, Data Analysis and Management. Currently, I am jumping into C# (.NET) and MS Azure! Challenge accepted!
IT Skills:
- Front-end development: HTML, CSS (SASS), Javascript, Typescript, Angular framework, React framework, Bootstrap5, Angular Materials
- Back-end development: Node.js, Express, PHP, C#, .NET Core
- Databases: Relational database, SQL, IBM DB2 on Cloud, MongoDB, Python (for wrangling and analyzing data), Azure
- Testing: Jest, Cypress, REST Client
- DevOps: GitBash/GitHub, Netlify, Heroku, Docker, Ms Azure, AWS
- Others: Jupyter Notebook, Photoshop
Other info:
- 📫 How to reach me: this⚡ account and in linkedIn
- 😄 I am open to constructive feedback!
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love photography and can shot quite good pictures