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The very beginnings of a web-based reader for reddit. Blatent use of reddit stylesheets.

This is intended for personal use - it is not for public use.

Reddit credentials

Reddit application

The first thing you need to do is setup a new reddit application, as described under Script Application in the praw documentation.

Praw ini file

The next thing you need to do is create a praw.ini file on your local system as described on the praw ini files page of the praw documentation.

The basic format of the praw.ini file should look like this:




Running via docker, with no customizations

docker run -d  -p 80:8000 --name=reddit-reader furiousgeorge/reddit-reader

This alone will probably not work since your reddit credentials will not be applied. To use the reddit credentials in your praw.ini file, run the following docker command:

docker run -d  -p 80:8000 -v $PWD/praw.ini:/app/praw.ini --name=reddit-reader furiousgeorge/reddit-reader

Customize Settings

You should modify the customsettings/ file to change the ALLOWED_HOSTS and SECRET_KEY settings.

The default customsettings/ file looks like this:



ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost']


The ALLOWED_SUBREDDITS array contains a comma separated list of subreddits. Each subreddit name must be enclosed in single quotes.

See the Django Documentation for the description of the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting.

See the Django Documentation for the description of the SECRET_KEY setting.

If you are running in docker, you will want to mount the directory that contains the file (as well as your credentials in the praw.ini file):

docker run -d  -p 80:8000 -v $PWD/customsettings:/app/customsettings -v $PWD/praw.ini:/app/praw.ini --name=reddit-reader furiousgeorge/reddit-reader

The SUBREDDIT_LIMIT allows you to specify how many posts to return when fetching posts for a subreddit. The Reddit API maximum is 100.