Statements used to create the database tables: Go to php folder and enter into the sql folder In class.sql: class_TBL In parent.sql: parent_TBL teacher_TBL student_TBL generalUser_TBL In school.sql: school_TBL
Go to Sentences folder and enter into the Schemas folders
In Character.sql:
In Stages.sql:
In UserChar.sql:
Inserting Dummy Data and Inital data into database: Go to databaseInit: DatabaseCharacters is a php file used to create new game characters when a user is created
DatabaseEnemies is a php file that uses JSON text found in Enemies.txt
to create enemies within the game.
DatabaseLocations is a php file that uses JSON text found in Location.txt
to create the locations used in the game
DatabaseSenteces uses a regular text file to fill the database with sentences
that will be used in th game
Sample Data Script: Create generalUser account (GeneralUserSignUpPage.php) You will be able to view a profile, play a game, log out, etc from here Create teacher account (TeacherSignUpPage.php) When you have created a teacher account you need to remember to use the access code to attach a student to that teacher You will be able to create a class name and add students to that particular class and then view the classes. (CreateClassName.php) Each class will be a link to view all the information about the students in that particular class Create a student account (StudentSignUpPage.php) Access code inserted must exist in teacher account previously made Login back into teacher account (Login.php) Create class and select students Students will be displayed who share the same access code as your account Go back to profile (Teacher_Profile.php) Click on class just created and view students registered (ClassList.php) The class list consists of some student info such as their name, wpm View Leaderboard (Leaderboard.php) this is a leaderboard that consists of both general users and students along with data ordered by either wpm, accuracy, or level
Passing Data to and from game Javascript: Go to DatabaseAccess: initGame.php is a php file that grabs the information that will be used within the game and passes it to the JS files through JSON encoding.
SaveGame.php is a file that is ran through an AJAX request and is sent
a JSON string that is used to update the database from the results
of the game.