This repository started out by cloning the Scala.js tutorial, and also contains some exercises following the Hands-on Scala.js tutorial by Li Haoyi.
But then I started porting an Java-applet I once made, so that is the main application it has grown into. You can see it working here, FBG, on my blog.
The inspiration for the FBG came from this blog.
Of course it is scala code (you cannot mix Scala and Java as in JVM-Scala), but I started by using a Java to Scala converter. Then I tried to make it more scala-ish.
It is my first serious Scala.js experience, and my main conclusion is that it can be used very well to make applet-like programs.
In my opinion the value of easy browser-deployable GUI´s for Java and Scala is underestimated. The Java-applet occupied a very important niche for small applications exposing all kinds of creative and intellectual ideas, but now it is essentially killed for security reasons.
Most Scala(-js) tutorials are focussing on big web applications with server- and client side code. They also use nice but complicating tooling. But I experienced Scala.js (once setup, because that´s not really easy) as a lightweigt programming environment. I did not use jQuery, Node.js or Li Haoyi´s local webserver or Scalatags. Scala.js can fill the now empty Java-applet niche, but it requires programming in pure Scala.
My plan now is to port parts of a GA-program (genetic algorithm) I once made in Java.
For the GUI I used webix.