The graphql gateway service is a graphql gateway to multiple backend graphql providers. It is implemented with the graphql federation specification.
Please also look at this graphql federation demo:
docker run --rm -p 8181:80 -e GRAPHQL_URL_0=http://first-graphql-service/graphql GRAPHQL_URL_1=http://second-graphql-service/graphql hansehe/graphql-gateway
Access graphql playground api at:
helm repo add graphql-gateway
helm repo update
helm install graphql-gateway \
--set environmentVariables.GRAPHQL_URL_0=http://service_1/graphql \
--set environmentVariables.GRAPHQL_URL_1=http://service_2/graphql \
# Prerequisites: docker/docker-compose/node/python
pip install --upgrade DockerBuildManagement
dbm -swarm -start
dbm -build -test -run service
# Access graphql gateway (federated schemas of backend 0 and 1) api at: http://localhost:8181/graphql/
# Access graphql backend 0 api at: http://localhost:5001/graphql/
# Access graphql backend 1 api at: http://localhost:5002/graphql/
dbm -swarm -stop