This is a component that includes a controller to render a contact-form and then throws an event when the contact-form is submitted. This way listeners can handle the submission and send a mail, set a notice, etc...
Since the controller throws an event when the form is submitted and valid it's easy to add your own listeners.
"require": {
"kristofvc/contact": "~1.0"
The documentation is stored in the doc/
file in this bundle:
Read the Documentation for master
Kristof Van Cauwenbergh - - See also the list of contributors that participated in this project.
kristofvc/contact is licensed under the MIT License - see the meta/LICENSE
file for details
Issues and feature requests are tracked in the Github issue tracker.
When reporting a bug, it may be a good idea to reproduce it in a basic project to allow developers of the component to reproduce the issue by simply cloning this project.
Feel free to fork this project, to contribute and to send pull requests.