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hantsy edited this page Dec 9, 2015 · 1 revision

What is REST

I have created several sample applications to demonstrate different backend solutions for producing REST API.

In this post, I will create the REST API using JAXRS which is part of Java EE platform. On different application servers, the JAXRS implementation is different. Jersey is the official reference implementation which is shipped with Glassfish by default, and Resteasy is the JBoss alternative JAXRS implementation on JBoss platform(Jboss AS has been named to Wildfly).

REST API design and implementation

REST API design should embrace the HTTP verbs, for example.

/posts GET 200, [{'id':1, 'title':'my first post'}, {}] Get all posts
/posts POST { 'title':'my first post'} 201 Creat a post
/posts/{id} GET 200, {'id':1, 'title':'my first post'} Get post by id
/posts/{id} PUT { 'title':'my first post'} 205 Update the post by id
/posts/{id} DELETE 205 Delete the post by id
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