render ansi esc sequences
- it simply reads from the source (a buffer or a file), and sends the contents to a terminal buffer
- it wont delete the source bufnr
- as it's a terminal buffer, it inherits limits:
- terminal mode instead insert mode
- no responsing user inputs
- not modifiable by default
- limited scrollback
- no undo history
- just works
- nvim 0.10.*
- haolian9/infra.nvim
here is my personal config
do --:AnsiEsc
local spell = cmds.Spell("AnsiEsc", function(args) require("ansiesc")(0, args.open_mode) end)
spell:add_arg("open_mode", "string", false, "inplace", cmds.ArgComp.constant({ "inplace", "left", "right", "above", "below", "tab" }))
thanks to AnsiEsc.vim, which i had used for a long time.