Official Ruby SDK for Stream Feeds
Official Ruby API client for Stream Feeds, a web service for building scalable newsfeeds and activity streams.
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💡 This is a library for the Feeds product. The Chat SDKs can be found here.
You can sign up for a Stream account at our Get Started page.
You can use this library to access Feeds API endpoints server-side.
For the client-side integrations (web and mobile) have a look at the JavaScript, iOS and Android SDK libraries (docs). This API Client project requires Ruby 2.5.x at a minimum.
💡 We have a Rails integration available here.
gem install 'stream-ruby'
Documentation for this Ruby client are available at the Stream website.
# Instantiate a new client to connect to us east API endpoint
require 'stream'
client ='YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET', 'APP_ID', location: 'us-east')
# Find your API keys here
# Instantiate a feed object
user_feed_1 = client.feed('user', '1')
# Get activities from 5 to 10 (slow pagination)
result = user_feed_1.get(limit: 5, offset: 5)
# (Recommended & faster) Filter on an id less than the given UUID
result =
user_feed_1.get(limit: 5, id_lt: 'e561de8f-00f1-11e4-b400-0cc47a024be0')
# Create a new activity
activity_data = { actor: 1, verb: 'tweet', object: 1, foreign_id: 'tweet:1' }
activity_response = user_feed_1.add_activity(activity_data)
# Create a bit more complex activity
activity_data = {
actor: 1,
verb: 'tweet',
object: 1,
foreign_id: 'tweet:1',
course: { name: 'Golden Gate park', distance: 10 },
participants: %w[Thierry Tommaso],
activity_response = user_feed_1.add_activity(activity_data)
# Update an existing activity (requires both :foreign_id and :time fields)
activity_data = {
actor: 1,
verb: 'tweet',
object: 1,
foreign_id: 'tweet:1',
popularity: 100,
time: '2016-05-13T16:12:30'
# Update activities
# Remove an activity by its id
# Remove activities by their foreign_id
user_feed_1.remove_activity('tweet:1', foreign_id: true)
# Follow another feed
user_feed_1.follow('flat', '42')
# Stop following another feed
user_feed_1.unfollow('flat', '42')
# Batch adding activities
activities = [
[actor: '1', verb: 'tweet', object: '1'],
[actor: '2', verb: 'like', object: '3']
# Batch following many feeds (requires ruby 2.1 or later)
follows = [
{ source: 'flat:1', target: 'user:1' },
{ source: 'flat:1', target: 'user:2' },
{ source: 'flat:1', target: 'user:3' }
# Add an activity and push it to other feeds too using the `to` field
data = [actor_id: '1', verb: 'like', object_id: '3', to: %w[user:44 user:45]]
# Updating parts of an activity
set = {
'product.price': 19.99, 'shares': { 'facebook': '...', 'twitter': '...' }
unset = %w[daily_likes popularity]
# ID
id: '54a60c1e-4ee3-494b-a1e3-50c06acb5ed4', set: set, unset: unset
# ...or by combination of foreign ID and time
foreign_id: 'product:123',
time: '2016-11-10T13:20:00.000000',
set: set,
unset: unset
# Generating tokens for client side usage
token = user_feed_1.readonly_token
# Javascript client side feed initialization
user1 = client.feed('user', '1', '{{ token }}')
# Retrieve first 10 followers of a feed
user_feed_1.followers(0, 10)
# Retrieve followers from 10 to 20
user_feed_1.followers(10, 10)
# Retrieve 10 feeds followed by user_feed_1
# Retrieve 10 feeds followed by user_feed_1 starting from the 11th
user_feed_1.following(10, 10)
# Check if user_feed_1 follows specific feeds
user_feed_1.following(0, 2, filter = %w[user:42 user:43])
# Add one activity to many feeds in one request
feeds = %w[flat:1 flat:2 flat:3 flat:4]
activity = {
actor: 'User:2', verb: 'pin', object: 'Place:42', target: 'Board:1'
client.add_to_many(activity, feeds)
# Retrive open graph information
Project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause.
We welcome code changes that improve this library or fix a problem, please make sure to follow all best practices and add tests if applicable before submitting a Pull Request on Github. We are very happy to merge your code in the official repository. Make sure to sign our Contributor License Agreement (CLA) first. See our license file for more details.
We've recently closed a $38 million Series B funding round and we keep actively growing. Our APIs are used by more than a billion end-users, and you'll have a chance to make a huge impact on the product within a team of the strongest engineers all over the world.
Check out our current openings and apply via Stream's website.