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Repository files navigation



  • Navbar( logo,Home, Products, Add Product, Register ,Contact,Theme controller, Profile icon(User Name, My Cart , Settings, Login/Logout))
  • Homepage have a nice hero section , a brands related slider, about us section ,reviews/testimonials and footer
  • In the add product page, you can add new car product which will be visible in the products page
  • You can add product to the cart and also delete them from the cart
  • You can see the products according to thier brands from the brands section in the homepage
  • You only can have access to the products , add product, my cart page after registration or login
  • You can also toggle between dark and light theme in your website from the sun/moon icon in the navbar


  • Firebase
  • React
  • React Router
  • React hot toast
  • React icons
  • Slick JS
  • Swiper JS
  • Proptypes