Packages ejs templates in an external javascript file so they can be rendered in the browser with no runtime overhead.
in your express app.js:
app = createServer
folder: app.settings.views,
ext: app.settings['view engine'],
jsGlobalVariable: 'TEMPLATES',
templates: 'partials',
filename: __dirname + '/public/javascripts/templates.js'
This creates templates.js on server launch, and you can then in the browser page render the server's file views/partials/mypartial.ejs likeso:
<script src=/javascripts/templates.js></script>
var html = TEMPLATES.mypartial({ name: 'Rob' })
Rendering exceptions are caught and displayed using alert: "ReferenceError: gghhjj is not defined template:badtemplate line:2"
- opt.folder: (optional) base folder for express templates, eg '/home/user/views'
- opt.ext: (optional) extension for express templates, eg. 'ejs'
- opt.jsGlobalVariable: global variable identifier used to accesss templates in browse, eg. 'TEMPLATES'
- opt.filename: the output filename eg. '/home/user/public/javascripts/templates.js'
- opt.templates: template filenames and folder names, single string or array
- opt.minify: minify the result
- Templates are compiled server side on startup
- No JavaScript runtime is required in the browser
- Executable JavaScript functions are provided in the browser
- An alternative is to use underscore templates in express, see the module uinexpress