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An example of how to use the Hark delivery charge API and Elhub data to calculate delivery charge costs


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Use delivery charge API and Elhub data to compute grid cost invoice data

This is an example of how we can use the Hark API to fetch DSO models with pricing info, and apply this to consumption data downloaded from Elhub.

To set up the Python project, we start by creating a virtual environment and install necessary packages. We need a few external packages to use Graphql and convert returned data to Python types.

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/activate # or or similar
pip install "gql[all]"
pip install graphql
pip install pydantic

touch src/

Then we start with something minimal in src/, and add more code to the file as we explain what it contains:

import os

URL = ""

def main():
    api_key = os.environ.get("API_KEY")
    if api_key is None or api_key == "":
        print("API_KEY not set")
    args = parse_arguments()

    hark = HarkApi(api_key)
    dso_query = read_graphql_query_from_file("src/dso_model_query.graphql")
    dso_model = hark.execute(dso_query, dict(,[

    hour_values = read_hour_values_from_csv(args.path)

    capacity_model_details = capacity_model_details_from_capacity_model(hour_values, dso_model, args)
    energy_model_details = energy_model_details_from_energy_model(hour_values, dso_model, args)

if __name__ == "__main__":

To use the API, you need an API_KEY. We read this from the environment so that you can fetch it from a password store or similar.

Then we parse arguments and set up a Graphql client. The Graphql query is huge, and we read it from a file before we use it to query the API. We use the deliveryChargeModel from the result.

Elhub data is read from a CSV file, and we are then using these data combined with the DSO models and command line arguments to compute and present representations of what the customer paid in Nettleie.

Parsing arguments

Add the next few lines to the top, and parse_arguments function above the main function

import argparse
def parse_arguments() -> Namespace:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Beregn nettleie")
        "--meteringvalues", help="Path to Elhub data csv", dest="path", required=True
        help="Hark nettleiemodell id, (uppercase string)",
        help="ISO string",
        type=lambda s: datetime.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%d").date(),
    parser.add_argument("--voltage", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--phases", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("--current", type=int)
        "--selected-model", choices=["constant_price", "different_prices_seasonal"]
    return parser.parse_args()

datetime is needed, so add this import (date is needed later)

from datetime import datetime, date

Here, the date, id and meteringvalues are mandatory and needed for all model types.

  • date is used for invoice time span and to query the correct version of the DSO model.
  • id is our internal ID, an uppercase value that represents the provider (ELVIA, LEDE, TENSIO_TS are some examples)
  • meteringvalues is the path to the Elhub CSV file (that has a name starting with "meteringvalues")

The other, optional values will be described when we get to one of the more complicated models.

Using the Hark API

Repeating the next section from main:

    hark = HarkApi(api_key)
    dso_query = read_graphql_query_from_file("src/dso_model_query.graphql")
    dso_model = hark.execute(dso_query, dict(,[

The HarkApi is defined as:

class HarkApi:
    def __init__(self, api_key: str):
        transport = AIOHTTPTransport(url=URL, headers={"X-API-KEY": api_key})

        self.client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True)

    def execute(self, query: DocumentNode, variables: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        return self.client.execute(query, variable_values=variables)

You also need these imports:

from gql import Client, gql
from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport
from graphql import DocumentNode

We also use typing, and we can import this now as well.

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

Reading the Graphql query is pretty straight forward, but the content is parsed as a Graphql DocumentNode by the imported gql function.

def read_graphql_query_from_file(path: str) -> DocumentNode:
    with open(path, newline="") as file:
        return gql(

Reading Elhub data

Reading the CSV data from Elhub is also pretty normal, except that we need to remember to skip the first line, containing headers.

def read_hour_values_from_csv(path: str) -> List[HourValue]:
    hour_values = []
    with open(path, newline="") as csvfile:
        hour_value_reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        # Skip header line

        for row in hour_value_reader:
            hour_value = HourValue(
                datetime.strptime(row[0], "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"),
                int(float(row[2].replace(",", ".")) * 1000),
    return hour_values

Of course this is using the csv module, so you need to add another import:

import csv

When parsing the data into our own HourValue class, we parse the date with the format in the CSV file. The consumption values in the file are stored as kWh with three decimals, and we convert it to Wh, as it is easier to work with integers.

Our HourValue class is defined as:

class HourValue:
    time: datetime
    value_in_wh: int

The @dataclass decorator is a handy way of getting constructors and other helper functions automatically.

Capacity models

capacity_model_details_from_capacity_model is a function that does computations on the capacity parts. It will in turn run different function based on the different capacity models.

def capacity_model_details_from_capacity_model(
    hour_values: List[HourValue], dso_model: Any, args: Namespace
) -> Optional[CapacityModelDetails]:
    if dso_model["capacityModel"]["__typename"] == "MonthlyPeaksAtDifferentDays":
        capacity_model = MonthlyPeaksAtDifferentDays.model_validate(
        return capacity_model_details_from_monthly_peaks_at_different_days_model(
            hour_values, capacity_model
    elif dso_model["capacityModel"]["__typename"] == "FuseAndVoltageSize":
        capacity_model = FuseAndVoltageSize.model_validate(dso_model["capacityModel"])
        return capacity_model_details_from_fuse_and_voltage_size_model(
            capacity_model, args

All models are converted with the model_validate function from pydantic. This is used to get Python types from the returned Graphql JSON.

Let's just have a quick look at how this works before looking at the capacity models in detail.

class MonthlyPeaksAtDifferentDays(CamelCaseObject):
    peaks_per_month: int
    capacity_steps: List[CapacityStep]
    price_above_capacity_steps: PriceSpecification

The int and List are Python types, while PriceSpecification is a Hark type, defined in the same way as we see here.

We have created a common superclass named CamelCaseObject to use instead of the plain BaseModel from pydantic to avoid repeating the Config class inside all of our types.

class CamelCaseObject(BaseModel):
    class Config:
        alias_generator = to_camel
        populate_by_name = True

Capacity model: MonthlyPeaksAtDifferentDays

This model has a set of capacity steps, and it is usually the average of the three hours of highest consumption, measured at different days that decides the steps.

def capacity_model_details_from_monthly_peaks_at_different_days_model(
    hour_values: List[HourValue],
    capacity_model: MonthlyPeaksAtDifferentDays,
) -> CapacityModelDetails:
    number_of_tops = capacity_model.peaks_per_month
    hour_values_by_day = group_by_day(hour_values)
    top_hour_per_day = find_top_hour_per_day(hour_values_by_day)
    top_hours_for_a_month = find_highest_day_tops(top_hour_per_day, number_of_tops)
    average_of_tops = find_average_of_tops(top_hours_for_a_month)

    capacity_step: Optional[CapacityStep] = None
    for step in capacity_model.capacity_steps:
        range_from = step.range_in_wh.range_from
        range_to = step.range_in_wh.range_to

        if average_of_tops >= range_from and average_of_tops < range_to:
            capacity_step = step

    price_specification = (
        if capacity_step is None
        else capacity_step.capacity_step_price

    capacity_cost = price_specification.price
    return CapacityModelDetails(

We first get the number of tops from the capacity model. Then we group the consumption data by day and find the top hour per day, before ordering these by the highest values and only returning the number specified in the model. We then take the average of these and use this value when looping through the steps to find the matching capacity step.

If the average don't match any steps, the consumer has exceeded the steps and we have to use the price_above_capacity_steps when determining the price.

All prices are returned as a PriceSpecification, to make it easy to get the prices including and excluding VAT.

class PriceSpecification(CamelCaseObject):
    price: float
    price_currency: str
    vat: float
    price_excluding_vat: float

We need to get into the implementation details for this model.

To group_by_day we use the built-in itertools function group_by:

def group_by_day(hour_values: List[HourValue]) -> Dict[str, List[HourValue]]:
    hour_values_by_day = dict()
    grouped = itertools.groupby(hour_values, lambda hv:
    for _date, values in grouped:
        hour_values_by_day[_date] = list(values)

    return hour_values_by_day

And to find the top hour per day, we sort by the values (using sorted and operator.attrgetter) for each day and pick the highest.

def find_top_hour_per_day(
    hour_values_by_day: Dict[str, List[HourValue]]
) -> List[HourValue]:
    return [
        sorted(hour_values, key=operator.attrgetter("value_in_wh"), reverse=True)[0]
        for hour_values in hour_values_by_day.values()

To find the highest day tops for the month, we sort these values by value, and take the (normally 3) top hours.

def find_highest_day_tops(
    top_hour_per_day: List[HourValue], number_of_top_hours: int
) -> List[HourValue]:
    return sorted(
        top_hour_per_day, key=operator.attrgetter("value_in_wh"), reverse=True

Then we compute the average the values.

def find_average_of_tops(tops: List[HourValue]) -> float:
    if len(tops) < 1:
        print("No tops to average")

    return sum([hv.value_in_wh for hv in tops]) / len(tops)

For this we need to import a few more modules:

import itertools
import operator

All the capacity model functions return an instance of CapacityModelDetails, but some of the fields are optional.

class CapacityModelDetails:
    capacity_cost: float
    capacity_step: Optional[CapacityStep] = None
    tops: Optional[List[HourValue]] = None
    top_average: Optional[float] = None

Other capacity models

The final script also contains handling of the FuseAndVoltageBased capacity model. This and the ones remaining are used by one or two providers each.

Energy models

Energy models are more complicated, and this is also true for the data they return. EnergyModelDetails returned by energy_model_details_from_energy_model and the individual model parsers reflect that.

class EnergyModelDetails:
    energy_cost: float
    power_tax: float
    energy_fund: float
    energy_cost_alone: Optional[float] = None
    day_cost: Optional[float] = None
    night_cost: Optional[float] = None
    day_power_tax: Optional[float] = None
    night_power_tax: Optional[float] = None
    day_energy_fund: Optional[float] = None
    night_energy_fund: Optional[float] = None

And the top function for energy model handling:

def energy_model_details_from_energy_model(
    hour_values: List[HourValue],
    dso_model: Any,
    args: Namespace,
) -> Optional[EnergyModelDetails]:
    if dso_model["energyModel"]["__typename"] == "ConstantPrice":
        energy_model = ConstantPrice.model_validate(dso_model["energyModel"])
        return energy_model_details_from_constant_price_model(hour_values, energy_model)
    elif dso_model["energyModel"]["__typename"] == "DifferentPricesDayAndNight":
        energy_model = DifferentPricesDayAndNight.model_validate(
        return energy_model_details_from_different_prices_day_and_night_model(
            hour_values, energy_model
    elif dso_model["energyModel"]["__typename"] == "FuseBasedSelectable":
        energy_model = FuseBasedSelectable.model_validate(dso_model["energyModel"])
        return energy_model_details_from_fuse_based_selectable(
            hour_values, energy_model, args

The simplest energy model is the one we call ConstantPrice, but for now we take one that is more used and a bit more difficult to implement, the one we call DifferentPricesDayAndNight.

Energy model: DifferentPricesDayAndNight

This model is used by both ELVIA and TENSIO_TS, so it was easy for us to find data to test it. It is a bit long, but the length is mainly because the different providers use different fields in their invoices.

def energy_model_details_from_different_prices_day_and_night_model(
    hour_values: List[HourValue],
    energy_model: DifferentPricesDayAndNight,
) -> EnergyModelDetails:
    day_start =
    night_start = energy_model.prices.night.hours.hours_from
    weekend_as_night = energy_model.weekend_prices_follow_night_prices
    (daytime_amounts, nighttime_amounts) = split_day_and_night(
        hour_values, day_start, night_start, weekend_as_night
    energy_cost_day = (
        / 1000
    energy_cost_night = (
        * energy_model.prices.night.pricesAndTaxes.price_excluding_energy_taxes.price
        / 1000
    power_tax_day = (
        / 1000
    power_tax_night = (
        * energy_model.prices.night.pricesAndTaxes.taxes.electrical_power_tax.price
        / 1000
    power_tax = power_tax_day + power_tax_night
    energy_fund_day = (
        / 1000
    energy_fund_night = (
        * energy_model.prices.night.pricesAndTaxes.taxes.energy_fund.price
        / 1000
    energy_fund = energy_fund_day + energy_fund_night
    energy_cost_alone = energy_cost_day + energy_cost_night
    energy_cost = energy_cost_alone + power_tax + energy_fund

    return EnergyModelDetails(

We start by finding the hours that is defined by the model as day and night. We also check if all consumption during weekends should be billed as night. (This is different for Elvia and Tensio-Ts). There is also a setting for if holidays should be billed as night, but we ignore it at this time (none of Elvia and Tensio-Ts do this).

We have a helper function that will sort the consumption data into a list for day and a list for night (and weekend), and we will show it below.

Computing the cost of the energy is done by taking the sum of the values, and multiplying by the cost per kWh excluding energy taxes, for days and nights. The same is done for each of the two energy taxes, to get all data to compare to invoices. We then sum the different night values and day values, and then the total.

A note about VAT and rounding

We simplify a bit by using prices including VAT in this example. (Everywhere we use the field price, there is also a priceWithoutVat/price_without_vat.) There may be some rounding errors as both we and the providers round some of the values. (Prices are rounded to milli-øre from our API, as a best effort, since it varies if price data from the providers are given with VAT and other taxes - when testing a few values are one øre off). It also seems the providers are rounding differently, some using bankers rounding.


An example of how to use the Hark delivery charge API and Elhub data to calculate delivery charge costs






