Golang SDK for Shotstack, the cloud video editing API.
Shotstack is a cloud based video editing platform that enables the editing of videos using code.
The platform uses an API and a JSON format for specifying how videos should be edited and what assets and titles should be used.
A server based render farm takes care of rendering the videos allowing multiple videos to be created simultaneously.
go get github.com/harshmangalam/shotstack-sdk-golang@latest
The Shotstack SDK enables programmatic video editing via the Edit API render
endpoint. Add required schema using declarative api provided by library and render video.
The example below trims the start of a video clip and plays it for 8 seconds. The edit is prepared using the SDK models and then sent to the API for rendering.
package main
import (
shotstack "github.com/harshmangalam/shotstack-sdk-golang"
func main() {
// create new configuration by adding apikey and env
config := shotstack.
// create video asset
videoAsset := edit.
// create clips slice
var clips []edit.Clip
// create video clip
videoClip := edit.NewClip().
clips = append(clips, *videoClip)
// create tracks slice
var tracks []edit.Track
// create track
track := edit.NewTrack().SetClips(&clips)
tracks = append(tracks, *track)
// create output
output := edit.NewOutput().
// create timeline
timeline := edit.NewTimeline().SetTracks(&tracks)
// post render
res, err := edit.NewEdit().
if err != nil {
The example request below can be called a few seconds after the render above is posted. It will return the status of the render, which can take several seconds to process.
package main
import (
shotstack "github.com/harshmangalam/shotstack-sdk-golang"
func main() {
// create new configuration by adding apikey and env
config := shotstack.
id := "bcffc816-71eb-437f-a368-ec7aa9e2cc08"
res, err := edit.GetRender(id, config)
if err != nil {
// print json response
data, _ := json.MarshalIndent(res, "", " ")
// you can access all render response data here
// res.Message
// res.Response.Created
// res.Response.Data.Output.AspectRatio
// res.Response.Id
// res.Response.Owner
// ....
The following schemas are used to prepare a video edit.
An Edit defines the arrangement of a video on a timeline, an audio edit or an image design and the output format.
Method | Description | Required |
NewEdit() | initialize new edit api return *edit.Edit. | Y |
SetTimeline(*edit.Timeline) | A timeline represents the contents of a video edit over time, an audio edit over time, in seconds, or an image layout. A timeline consists of layers called tracks. Tracks are composed of titles, images, audio, html or video segments referred to as clips which are placed along the track at specific starting point and lasting for a specific amount of time. | - |
SetOutput(*edit.Output) | The output format, render range and type of media to generate. | Y |
SetMerges(*[]edit.Merge) | An array of key/value pairs that provides an easy way to create templates with placeholders. The placeholders can be used to find and replace keys with values. For example you can search for the placeholder {{NAME}} and replace it with the value Jane . |
- |
SetCallback(string) | An optional webhook callback URL used to receive status notifications when a render completes or fails. See webhooks for more details. | - |
SetDisk(edit.Disk) | The disk type to use for storing footage and assets for each render. See disk types for more details. [default to edit.Local ]
- |
PostRender(*Config) | Pass configuration containig apiKey and environment return *edit.QueuedResponse | Y |
A Timeline represents the contents of a video edit over time, an audio edit over time, in seconds, or an image layout. A timeline consists of layers called tracks. Tracks are composed of titles, images, audio, html or video segments referred to as clips which are placed along the track at specific starting point and lasting for a specific amount of time.
timeline := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewTimeline() | Create new timeline return *edit.Timeline. | Y |
SetSoundTrack(*edit.SoundTrack) | A music or audio soundtrack file in mp3 format. | - |
SetBackground(string) | A hexadecimal value for the timeline background colour. Defaults to #000000 (black). |
- |
SetFonts(*[]edit.Font) | An array of custom fonts to be downloaded for use by the HTML assets. | - |
SetTracks(*[]edit.Track[]) | A timeline consists of an array of tracks, each track containing clips. Tracks are layered on top of each other in the same order they are added to the array with the top most track layered over the top of those below it. Ensure that a track containing titles is the top most track so that it is displayed above videos and images. | Y |
SetCache(bool) | Disable the caching of ingested source footage and assets. See caching for more details. [default to true ] |
- |
A music or audio file in mp3 format that plays for the duration of the rendered video or the length of the audio file, which ever is shortest.
soundTrack := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewSoundTrack | Create new sound track return *edit.SoundTrack. | Y |
SetSrc(string) | The URL of the mp3 audio file. The URL must be publicly accessible or include credentials. | Y |
SetEffect(AudioEffect) | The effect to apply to the audio file
- |
SetVolume(float32) | Set the volume for the soundtrack between 0 and 1 where 0 is muted and 1 is full volume (defaults to 1 ). |
- |
Download a custom font to use with the HTML asset type, using the font name in the CSS or font tag. See our custom fonts getting started guide for more details.
font := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewFont() | Create new font and return *edit.Font. | Y |
SetSrc(string) | The URL of the font file. The URL must be publicly accessible or include credentials. | Y |
A track contains an array of clips. Tracks are layered on top of each other in the order in the array. The top most track will render on top of those below it.
track := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewTrack() | Create new track and return *edit.Track | Y |
SetClips(*[]edit.Clip) | An array of Clips comprising of TitleClip, ImageClip or VideoClip. | Y |
A Clip is a container for a specific type of asset, i.e. a title, image, video, audio or html. You use a Clip to define when an asset will display on the timeline, how long it will play for and transitions, filters and effects to apply to it.
clip := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewClip() | Create new clip and return *edit.Clip. | Y |
SetAsset(any) | The type of asset to display for the duration of this Clip. Value must be one of: | Y |
SetStart(float32) | The start position of the Clip on the timeline, in seconds. | Y |
SetLength(float32) | The length, in seconds, the Clip should play for. | Y |
SetFit(ClipFit) | Set how the asset should be scaled to fit the viewport using one of the following options [default to FitCrop ]:
- |
SetScale(float32) | Scale the asset to a fraction of the viewport size - i.e. setting the scale to 0.5 will scale asset to half the size of the viewport. This is useful for picture-in-picture video and scaling images such as logos and watermarks. | - |
SetPosition(Position) | Place the asset in one of nine predefined positions of the viewport. This is most effective for when the asset is scaled and you want to position the element to a specific position [default to Center ].
- |
SetOffset(*edit.Offset) | Offset the location of the asset relative to its position on the viewport. The offset distance is relative to the width of the viewport - for example an x offset of 0.5 will move the asset half the viewport width to the right. | - |
SetTransition(*edit.Transition) | In and out transitions for a clip - i.e. fade in and fade out | - |
SetEffect(ClipEffect) | A motion effect to apply to the Clip.
- |
SetFilter(ClipFilter) | A filter effect to apply to the Clip.
- |
SetOpacity(float32) | Sets the opacity of the Clip where 1 is opaque and 0 is transparent. [default to 1 ] |
- |
SetTransform(*edit.Transform) | A transformation lets you modify the visual properties of a clip. Available transformations are edit.RotateTransformation, edit.SkewTransformation and edit.FlipTransformation. Transformations can be combined to create interesting new shapes and effects. | - |
The VideoAsset is used to create video sequences from video files. The src must be a publicly accessible URL to a video resource such as an mp4 file.
videoAsset := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewVideoAsset() | Create new video asset and return *edit.VideoAsset. | Y |
SetSrc(string) | The video source URL. The URL must be publicly accessible or include credentials. | Y |
SetTrim(float32) | The start trim point of the video clip, in seconds (defaults to 0). Videos will start from the in trim point. The video will play until the file ends or the Clip length is reached. | - |
SetVolume(float32) | Set the volume for the video clip between 0 and 1 where 0 is muted and 1 is full volume (defaults to 0). | - |
SetCrop(*edit.Crop) | Crop the sides of an asset by a relative amount. The size of the crop is specified using a scale between 0 and 1, relative to the screen width - i.e. a left crop of 0.5 will crop half of the asset from the left, a top crop of 0.25 will crop the top by quarter of the asset. | - |
The ImageAsset is used to create video from images to compose an image. The src must be a publicly accessible URL to an image resource such as a jpg or png file.
imageAsset := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewImageAsset() | Create new image asset and return *edit.ImageAsset. | Y |
SetSrc(string) | The image source URL. The URL must be publicly accessible or include credentials. | Y |
SetCrop(*edit.Crop) | Crop the sides of an asset by a relative amount. The size of the crop is specified using a scale between 0 and 1, relative to the screen width - i.e. a left crop of 0.5 will crop half of the asset from the left, a top crop of 0.25 will crop the top by quarter of the asset. | - |
The TitleAsset clip type lets you create video titles from a text string and apply styling and positioning.
titleAsset := edit.
SetText("My Title").
Method | Description | Required |
NewTitleAsset() | Create new title asset and return *edit.TitleAsset | Y |
SetText(string) | The title text string. | Y |
SetStyle(TitleAssetStyle) | Uses a preset to apply font properties and styling to the title.
- |
SetColor(string) | Set the text color using hexadecimal color notation. Transparency is supported by setting the first two characters of the hex string (opposite to HTML), i.e. #80ffffff will be white with 50% transparency [default to #ffffff ]. |
- |
SetSize(TitleSize) | Set the relative size of the text using predefined sizes from xx-small to xx-large [default to SizeMedium ].
- |
SetBackground(string) | Apply a background color behind the text. Set the text color using hexadecimal color notation. Transparency is supported by setting the first two characters of the hex string (opposite to HTML), i.e. #80ffffff will be white with 50% transparency. Omit to use transparent background. | - |
SetPosition(Position) | Place the title in one of nine predefined positions of the viewport [default to Center ].
- |
SetOffset(*edit.Offset) | Offset the location of the title relative to its position on the screen. | - |
The HtmlAsset clip type lets you create text based layout and formatting using HTML and CSS. You can also set the height and width of a bounding box for the HTML content to sit within. Text and elements will wrap within the bounding box.
htmlAsset := edit.
SetHtml("<p>Hello <b>World</b></p>").
SetCss("p { color: #ffffff; } b { color: #ffff00; }").
Method | Description | Required |
NewHtmlAsset() | Create new html asset and return *edit.HtmlAsset | Y |
SetHtml(string) | The HTML text string. See list of supported HTML tags. | Y |
SetCss(string) | The CSS text string to apply styling to the HTML. See list of support CSS properties. | - |
SetWidth(int) | Set the width of the HTML asset bounding box in pixels. Text will wrap to fill the bounding box. | - |
SetHeight(int) | Set the height of the HTML asset bounding box in pixels. Text and elements will be masked if they exceed the height of the bounding box. | - |
SetBackground(string) | Apply a background color behind the HTML bounding box using. Set the text color using hexadecimal color notation. Transparency is supported by setting the first two characters of the hex string (opposite to HTML), i.e. #80ffffff will be white with 80% transparency [default to transparent ]. |
- |
SetPosition(Position) | Place the HTML in one of nine predefined positions within the HTML area [default to Center ].
- |
The AudioAsset is used to add sound effects and audio at specific intervals on the timeline. The src must be a publicly accessible URL to an audio resource such as an mp3 file.
audioAsset := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewAudioAsset() | Create new audio asset and return *edit.AudioAsset. | Y |
SetSrc(string) | The audio source URL. The URL must be publicly accessible or include credentials. | Y |
SetTrim(float32) | The start trim point of the audio clip, in seconds (defaults to 0). Audio will start from the trim point. The audio will play until the file ends or the Clip length is reached. | - |
SetVolume(float32) | Set the volume for the audio clip between 0 and 1 where 0 is muted and 1 is full volume (defaults to 1). | - |
SetEffect(AudioEffect) | The effect to apply to the audio asset:
- |
The LumaAsset is used to create luma matte masks, transitions and effects between other assets. A luma matte is a grey scale image or animated video where the black areas are transparent and the white areas solid. The luma matte animation should be provided as an mp4 video file. The src must be a publicly accessible URL to the file.
lumaAsset := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewLumaAsset() | Create new luma asset and return *edit.LumaAsset | Y |
SetSrc(string) | The luma matte source URL. The URL must be publicly accessible or include credentials. | Y |
SetTrim(float32) | The start trim point of the luma matte clip, in seconds (defaults to 0). Videos will start from the in trim point. A luma matte video will play until the file ends or the Clip length is reached. | - |
The Transition clip type lets you define in and out transitions for a clip - i.e. fade in and fade out
transition := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewTransition() | Create new transition and return *edit.Transition | Y |
SetIn(TransitionType) | The transition in. Available transitions are:
- |
SetOut(TransitionType) | The transition out. Available transitions are:
- |
Offsets the position of an asset horizontally or vertically by a relative distance.
offset := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewOffset() | Create new offset and return *edit.Offset. | Y |
SetX(float32) | Offset an asset on the horizontal axis (left or right), range varies from -1 to 1. Positive numbers move the asset right, negative left. For all assets except titles the distance moved is relative to the width of the viewport - i.e. an X offset of 0.5 will move the asset half the screen width to the right. [default to 0 ] |
- |
SetY(float32) | Offset an asset on the vertical axis (up or down), range varies from -1 to 1. Positive numbers move the asset up, negative down. For all assets except titles the distance moved is relative to the height of the viewport - i.e. an Y offset of 0.5 will move the asset up half the screen height. [default to 0 ] |
- |
Crop the sides of an asset by a relative amount. The size of the crop is specified using a scale between 0 and 1, relative to the screen width - i.e a left crop of 0.5 will crop half of the asset from the left, a top crop of 0.25 will crop the top by quarter of the asset.
crop := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewCrop() | Create new crop and return *edit.Crop. | Y |
SetTop(float32) | Crop from the top of the asset | - |
SetBottom(float32) | Crop from the bottom of the asset | - |
SetLeft(float32) | Crop from the left of the asset | - |
SetRight(float32) | Crop from the right of the asset | - |
Apply one or more transformations to a clip. Transformations alter the visual properties of a clip and can be combined to create new shapes and effects.
transform := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewTransform() | Create new transformation and return *edit.Transform | Y |
SetRotate(*edit.RotateTransform) | Rotate a clip by the specified angle in degrees. Rotation origin is set based on the clips position . |
- |
SetSkew(*edit.SkewTransform) | Skew a clip so its edges are sheared at an angle. Use values between 0 and 3. Over 3 the clip will be skewed almost flat. | - |
setFlip(*edit.FlipTransform) | Flip a clip vertically or horizontally. Acts as a mirror effect of the clip along the selected plane. | - |
Rotate a clip by the specified angle in degrees. Rotation origin is set based on the clips position
rotateTransform := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewRotateTransform() | Create new rotate transform and return *edit.RotateTransform | Y |
SetAngle(int) | The angle to rotate the clip. Can be 0 to 360, or 0 to -360. Using a positive number rotates the clip clockwise, negative numbers counter-clockwise. | - |
Skew a clip so its edges are sheared at an angle. Use values between 0 and 3. Over 3 the clip will be skewed almost flat.
skewTransform := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewSkewTransform() | Create new skew transform and return *edit.SkewTransform | Y |
SetX(float32) | Skew the clip along it's x axis. [default to 0 ] |
- |
SetY(float32) | Skew the clip along it's y axis. [default to 0 ] |
- |
Flip a clip vertically or horizontally. Acts as a mirror effect of the clip along the selected plane.
flipTransform := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewFlipTransform() | Create new flip transform and return *edit.FlipTransform | Y |
SetHorizontal(bool) | Flip a clip horizontally. [default to false ] |
- |
SetVertical(bool) | Flip a clip vertically. [default to false ] |
- |
A merge field consists of a key; find
, and a value
; replace. Merge fields can be used to replace placeholders within the JSON edit to create re-usable templates. Placeholders should be a string with double brace delimiters, i.e. "{{NAME}}"
. A placeholder can be used for any value within the JSON edit.
mergeField := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewMergeField() | Create new merge field and return *edit.MergeField | Y |
SetFind(string) | The string to find without delimiters. | Y |
SetReplace(any) | The replacement value. The replacement can be any valid JSON type - string, boolean, number, etc... | Y |
The following schemas specify the output format and settings.
The output format, render range and type of media to generate.
output := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewOutput() | Create new output and return *edit.Output | Y |
SetFormat(MediaFileType) | The output format and type of media file to generate.
Y |
SetResolution(MediaResolution) | The output resolution of the video or image.
- |
SetAspectRatio(MediaAspectRatio) | The aspect ratio (shape) of the video or image. Useful for social media output formats. Options are:
- |
SetSize(*edit.OutputSize) | Set a custom size for a video or image. When using a custom size omit the resolution and aspectRatio . Custom sizes must be divisible by 2 based on the encoder specifications. |
- |
SetFps(float32) | Override the default frames per second. Useful for when the source footage is recorded at 30fps, i.e. on mobile devices. Lower frame rates can be used to add cinematic quality (24fps) or to create smaller file size/faster render times or animated gifs (12 or 15fps). Default is 25fps.
- |
SetScaleTo(MediaResolution) | Override the resolution and scale the video or image to render at a different size. When using scaleTo the asset should be edited at the resolution dimensions, i.e. use font sizes that look best at HD, then use scaleTo to output the file at SD and the text will be scaled to the correct size. This is useful if you want to create multiple asset sizes.
- |
SetQuality(MediaQuality) | Adjust the output quality of the video, image or audio. Adjusting quality affects render speed, download speeds and storage requirements due to file size. The default Medium provides the most optimized choice for all three factors.
- |
SetRepeat(bool) | Loop settings for gif files. Set to true to loop, false to play only once. [default to true ] |
- |
SetRange(*edit.Range) | Specify a time range to render, i.e. to render only a portion of a video or audio file. Omit this setting to export the entire video. Range can also be used to render a frame at a specific time point - setting a range and output format as jpg will output a single frame image at the range start point. |
- |
SetPoster(*edit.Poster) | Generate a poster image from a specific point on the timeline. | - |
SetThumbnail(*edit.Thumbnail) | Generate a thumbnail image from a specific point on the timeline. | - |
SetDestinations(*[]Destination) | A destination is a location where output files can be sent to for serving or hosting. By default all rendered assets are automatically sent to the Shotstack hosting destination. Destination is currently the only option with plans to add more in the future such as S3, YouTube, Vimeo and Mux. If you do not require hosting you can opt-out using the exclude property. |
- |
Set a custom size for a video or image. When using a custom size omit the resolution
and aspectRatio
. Custom sizes must be divisible by 2 based on the encoder specifications.
size := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewSize() | Create new size and return *edit.OutputSize. | Y |
SetWidth(int) | Set a custom width for the video or image file. Value must be divisible by 2. Maximum video width is 1920px, maximum image width is 4096px. | - |
SetHeight(int) | Set a custom height for the video or image file. Value must be divisible by 2. Maximum video height is 1920px, maximum image height is 4096px. | - |
Specify a time range to render, i.e. to render only a portion of a video or audio file. Omit this setting to export the entire video. Range can also be used to render a frame at a specific time point - setting a range and output format as jpg
will output a single frame image at the range start
newRange := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewRange() | Create new range and return *edit.Range | Y |
SetStart(float32) | The point on the timeline, in seconds, to start the render from - i.e. start at second 3. | - |
SetLength(float) | The length of the portion of the video or audio to render - i.e. render 6 seconds of the video. | - |
Generate a Poster image for the video at a specific point from the timeline. The poster image size will match the size of the output video.
poster := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewPoster() | Create new poster and return *edit.Poster | Y |
SetCapture(float32) | The point on the timeline in seconds to capture a single frame to use as the poster image. | Y |
Generate a thumbnail image for the video or image at a specific point from the timeline.
thumbnail := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewThumbnail() | Create new thumbnail and return *edit.Thumbnail | Y |
SetCapture(float32) | The point on the timeline in seconds to capture a single frame to use as the thumbnail image. | Y |
SetScale(float32) | Scale the thumbnail size to a fraction of the viewport size - i.e. setting the scale to 0.5 will scale the thumbnail to half the size of the viewport. | Y |
Send rendered assets to the Shotstack hosting and CDN service. This destination is enabled by default.
destination := edit.
Method | Description | Required |
NewDestination() | Create new destination and return *edit.Destination | Y |
SetProvider(string) | The destination to send rendered assets to - set to shotstack for Shotstack hosting and CDN. [default to shotstack ] |
Y |
SetExclude(bool) | Set to true to opt-out from the Shotstack hosting and CDN service. All files must be downloaded within 24 hours of rendering. [default to false ] |
- |