From the folder containing all the files, run
followed by
Read commands from the terminal and call appropriate functions.
Considers the directory from which the shell is invoked as the home directory. -
Prints user input after removing excess spaces/tabs.
Does not handle quotes and environmnetal variables.
If & or ; is encountered, then the input after & or ; is read as next command. -
Change to the directory specified by the user.
Accepts only one argument after cd as first argument. -
Prints the absolute path of the current working directory. -
Lists all the files and directories of the user specified directory.
Supports multiple directories; flags handled are -a and -l. -
Prints the latest 10 commands entered by the user.
If there are fewer than 10 commands, prints all of them. -
Uses rawmode to read input from stdin character by character.
Supports autocompletion when 'tab' is entered. -
Search for file/directory in a user specified directory.
Name of the file/directory to be found is given in quotes.
Flags -d and -f lists all directories and files respectively. -
Prints the information of a process with given process ID.
If process ID not given, considers the current running process. -
Prints the appropriate prompt after the execution of every command.
Prints the time taken for the foreground processes. -
Executes all other background processes.
Time taken is displayed by the prompt after its execution. -
Executes the command preceding '&' as background processes.
Prints the process ID of the process at the start of its execution.
Prints process ID and exited normally/abnormally after the execution. -
handler : Print the finished background processes along with their process ID.
ctrl_c : Interrupt any currently running foreground job, by sending it the SIGINT signal.
ctrl_z : Push any currently running foreground job into the background, and change its state from running to stopped. -
Prints a list of all currently running background processes entered by the shell in alphabetical order.
Each line contains job number, process ID and their state(running or stopped).
Flags handled are -r for running processes, -s for stopped processes and both(if not mentioned). -
sig : Sends the corresponding signal to the process with given job number.
fg : Brings the running or stopped background job of given job number to the foreground and changes its state to running.
bg : Changes the state of a stopped background job to running in the background.
- The length of each input command should be less than 500.
- The user is logged out of the terminal on entering ctrl_d.
- The commands with &, | and ; are also considered as valid input commands.
- The output of commands, usually written to stdout, can be redirected to another file.
- The input taken from a file other than stdin, both input & output redirection can be used simultaneously.
- Using < for read, > for write and >> for append, output file is created if it does not exist already.
- It is assumed that there exists a command between two &'s, two |'s or two ;'s in the input.
- The file headers.h contains all the header files and preprocessor directives.
- Some global structs which are used are also defined in the file headers.h
- The user commands are stored in a file history.txt for the command history.
- The user is not allowed to change the contents of the file history.txt
- The names of files and directories should not contain special characters.
- Any error in the execution of commands will stop the execution and print error message.
- Specific color coding is used for error messages, prompt, directories, executable files, etc.