ETL processing of SIRI real-time snapshots
See our contributing docs if you want to suggest changes to this repository.
This is the easiest option to start development, follow these instructions:
For local development, see the additional functionality section: Develop siri-etl from a local clone
It's much easier to use the Docker Compose environment, but the following can be refferd to for more details regarding the internal processes and for development using your local Python interpreter.
Install Brotli for compression
sudo apt-get install brotli
Create virtualenv (Python 3.8)
python3.8 -m venv venv
Upgrade pip
venv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip
You should have a clone of the following repositories in sibling directories:
Install dev requirements (this installs above repositories as well as this repository as editable for development):
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Create a .env
file and set the following in the file:
The sql alchemy url should be as follows (it's only used locally):
export SQLALCHEMY_URL=postgresql://postgres:123456@localhost
Enable debug for local development:
export DEBUG=yes
Go to open-bus-stride-db repo and follow the README to start a local DB and update to latest migration
Activate the virtualenv and source the .env file
. venv/bin/activate
source .env
Download latest snapshots
open-bus-siri-etl download-latest-snapshots
List some snapshots
open-bus-siri-requester storage-list
Process a snapshot
open-bus-siri-etl process-snapshot SNAPSHOT_ID
Install tests requirements
pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
Start a fresh stride DB for testing, run the following from open-bus-pipelines repo:
docker-compose down; docker volume rm open-bus-pipelines_stride-db; docker-compose up -d stride-db-init
Run tests