An NES emulator written in PHP
Based on bokuweb/flownes, gabrielrcouto/php-terminal-gameboy-emulator.
Blog entry: (Japanese)
- PHP >= 7.0
- Composer
- NES rom
$ git clone
$ cd php-terminal-nes-emulator
$ composer install
$ php boot.php your-rom-file.nes
Compatible with mapper 0 rom files.
If you want to see colorful pictures, run with '-cpng' option.
$ php boot.php some.nes -cpng
You can see beautiful screenshots in ./screen
[A] [D] [,] [.]
[S] [N] [M]
The purpose of this project was to study all the capabilities of PHP.
It does not have any commercial or profitable intentions.
The user is responsible to use this code and its content in the terms of the law.
The author is completely against piracy and respects all the copyrights, trademarks and patents of Nintendo.