Making a robust face recognition security system that doesn't lets the user with fake images i.e. holding up someone else's photo in front of camera to gain access.
This is the link to watch our team lead test the entire pipeline
- Mohammad Abbas Ansari (Team Lead)
- Mohammad Kashif (ML member)
- MD Haider Zama (ML member)
- MD Rashid Hussain (Web Dev member)
Click the above link to follow, If it does not work, use this
(The model side combined with other files in the repository exceeds 500 MiB and so cannot be pushed to github)
Clone this repository by running this command in your terminal/powershell/command prompt
git clone
Install the below mentioned dependencies using conda or pip
Download the model from the given google drive link in the model directory. At last your model's path should be like this
change directory to website_v5 using the command
cd website_v5
and run the file using
python (if you are on windows)
python3 (if you are on linux or mac)
Open the link (output in the terminal) in your favourite browser and enjoy 😎😎😎
1. Python (v3.8.10)
2. Flask (v2.0.2)
3. Flask-SQLAlchemy (v2.5.1)
4. tensorflow (v2.6.0)
5. keras (v2.6.0)
6. opencv (v4.5.3)
7. torch (v1.9.1)
8. torchvision (v0.10.1
9. keras-vggface (v0.6)
10. facenet-pytorch (v2.5.2)
11. scipy (v1.4.1)
12. numpy (v1.19.5)
13. matplotlib (v3.4.3)
15. pillow (>= v7.0.0)