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A Laravel 5.4 RESTful API for creating notes.

Getting Started

First, clone the repo:

$ git clone

Dev server with Laravel Homestaed

You can use Laravel Homestead for local development or to see a live demo of the API. Follow the Follow the [Installation Guide] (

Install dependencies

$ cd laravel-notes
$ composer install

Configure the Environment

Create .env file:

$ cat .env.example > .env

Create and Seed database

First, we need connect to the database. For homestead user, login using default homestead username and password:

$ mysql -uhomestead -psecret

Then create a database:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE notesapi;

And also create test database:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE notesapi_test;

Run the Artisan migrate command with seed:

$ php artisan migrate --seed

Create "personal access" and "password grant" clients which will be used to generate access tokens:

$ php artisan passport:install

You can find those clients in "oauth_clients" table.

Testing API with Postman.

In order to use the API we need to create an access_token. Make a POST request to oauth/token endpoint. Requied fields are: grant_type, client_id, client_secret, username, password. Don't get confuse with the username fields. You have to use users table email column value as username and you can use secret as password. For testing purpose we can use Postman for creating access_token. Here is a screenshot for creating access_token using Postman

access_token creation

We can use the newly created access_token to make API call. Here are the avilable API resources:

HTTP Method Path Action Desciption
GET api/users index Get all users
POST api/user store Create an user. Required fields: email, firstName, lastName, password
GET api/users/{user_id} show Fetch an user by id
PUT api/users/{user_id} update Update an user by id
DELETE api/users/{user_id} destroy Delete an user by id
GET api/notes index Get all notes
POST api/notes store Create a note. Available fields: message, tags
GET api/notes/{note_id} show Fetch a note by id
PUT api/notes/{note_id} update Update a note by id
DELETE api/notes/{note_id} destroy Delete a note by id


Make sure you include these headers when make api call.

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Accept: application/;version=1

Running phpunit tests

Run this command from the projcet root directory.

$ vendor/bin/phpunit


A Laravel 5.4 RESTFul API for creating notes






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