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Benchmark suite for graph libraries


This project was developed as part of the Google Summer of Code 2018. Feel free to open an issue :)



Current results of cabal bench time and cabal bench space can be found here:

Results on bigger graphs and with more beautiful output can be found here:


We support both cabal and stack to build the project. Please note that using stack will allow to download and build libraries not yet on Hackage.

You can customize your build using several cabal flags.


  • Time: will produce a benchmark suite using criterion.
  • Space: will produce a benchmark suite using weigh.
  • Datasize: will produce a benchmark suite using ghc-datasize (disabled by default).


By default, we benchmark containers, fgl and alga. hash-graph can be added using the HashGraph flag.

You can disable the three last (and thus avoid depending on them) by disabling the flags:

  • Fgl
  • Alga
  • HashGraph

Other flags

  • RealLife: Allow to benchmark against "reallife graphs" (see below). The compilation can take time when this is on. Disabling the flag will remove this build-step, and obviously the abilty to benchmark using such graphs.

  • Chart: Allow to produce a chart with the results. Since it can require many dependencies to be downloaded and built, this option is not suitable for builds in a Travis instance. Disabling it will remove the dependecies on the Chart package, and obviously the ability to create charts whith the results.



The benchmark suite time will run all queued benchmark using Criterion.

To run benchmarks, use time run. It comes with several options to customize the run (you can select libraries to compare, etc...).

To list benchmarks, use time list.


The benchmark suite space will run all queued benchmark using weigh.

To run benchmarks, use space run. It came with several options to customize the run (you can select libraries to compare, etc...). Please note that the benchmarks will all run before any print, so it can take a long time before anything is print on-screen, mostly with big graphs.

To list benchmarks, use space list.

Data size

The benchmark suite datasize will use ghc-datasize to calculate size of graphs.


Command-line arguments are self-explaining, but the --graph "(String,Int)" requires some explanations: Standards graphs are built with ten-powers vertices. The Int supplied is the upper-bound of these ten-powers. So "(Path,3)" will generate three Path with 1, 10 and 100 vertices. You can specify several graphs.

You can force the suite to use only bigger graphs with the -i flag.

The default is: [("Mesh",3),("Clique",3)].

For real-life graphs (see below) you cannot use an integer greater than 4.

Real-life graphs

We also provide a set of "real-life" graphs, which currently includes protein-interaction networks.

They are generated from a text file for the first compilation, so it can take some time.

To force the haskell-graph representation to be re-generated, you can safely delete src/BenchGraph/ReaLife/Generated.hs. This will trigger the re-build.

Graphs name

The following graphs are supported:

  • Path
  • Circuit
  • Mesh
  • Complete
  • Clique
  • RealLife (Note that because we have a limited set, you cannot request more than 4 real-life graphs)

Raw results

You can output the raw results using the -r option. It will produce a JSON file with:

  • The graphs arguments used
  • The data
    • For Criterion, it will be the computed time and the standard deviation (in this order).

using the Result data-type from BenchGraph.Render.Result.

Note that the produced JSON is forgetting some things (ie. the arguments used to test functions).

Producing charts

The raw results can be used to produce charts, please see the help of related space and time executables.


One can produce a chart from the results, use:

  -f,--chartfile FILENAME  Output file WITHOUT extension

About implementation

The GraphImpl class

All libraries are required to provide a GraphImpl instance:

type Edges = [(Int,Int)]

class GraphImpl g where
    mkGraph :: Edges -> g
    mkVertex :: g

It allows to convert Edges (a list of edges) to the graph representation of the library. When the list is empty, it is guaranteed that the graph will be built using mkVertex which is producing a graph with a single vertex 0.

The Named type

type Named a = (String,a)

We highly use this type, don't be surprised.

The Suite g data

All functions to bench are encapsulated inside a Suite data:

data Suite g = forall i o. NFData o => Suite
  { name :: String
  , desc :: String
  , algorithm :: i -> g -> o
  , inputs    :: Edges -> [Named i] }
  • name identifies the benchmarked function. Same function from different libraries (for example hasEdge) will be given the same name to allow comparison.
  • desc describes the Suite, will be used only in the output.
  • algorithm is the actual function to be benchmarked. It takes an argument, a graph, and produce something.
  • inputs will receive the actual graph, and will be used to generate inputs for the algorithm.


This module defines common builders for Suite, and particularly provides stable names for standard operations on graphs, and thus allows for simpler comparison (remember, benchmarks are identified by their name).

Benchmarking with creation?

We provide two ways of benchmarking:

  • By default, we build a graph, then use DeepSeq to force it to Normal Form, and then pass it to the benchmarked function.
  • However, with the -b option, you will also benchmark the creation, that is we will only force a generic representation (a list of edges), and then benchmark both the graph creation function and the algorithm.

In fact, we have:

if benchCreation
   then nf (algorithm argument . mkGraph) $!! edges
   else nf (algorithm argument) $!! mkGraph edges

And if I don't care and only want to add a benchmark?

Follow the instructions starting in bench/YourLib/Graph.hs