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Crafting Dynamic Project Configs based on your Browser’s Whims 🌟

configwise is a lightweight, strongly-typed package to build and serve project configurations based on the browser environment, platform, os, engine, etc.

🏁 Getting started

$ npm install configwise
// OR
$ yarn add configwise

💻 Installation

$ git clone
$ cd configwise
$ yarn install

💡 Usage

configwise.createConfig should be executed once on app init. The current browser/OS environment is detected and parsed by bowser using the window.navigator.userAgent.

configwise builds and serves the appropriate config property values based on the user-created project configuration with filters such as Browser, Platform, OS and Engine.

These enums are inferred from the bowser package.

Example: Create a configuration for your project with 2 properties - showButton and themeColors with the appropriate values based on the environment:

// config.ts

import { createConfig, Browser, OS, Platform, Engine } from "configwise";

export const config = createConfig({
  showButton: {
    // default fallback base value if no filters are satisfied
    value: true,
    filters: [
        // a filter to set this property as false for Edge and Firefox on MacOS
        browser: [Browser.Edge, Browser.Firefox],
        os: [OS.MacOS],
        value: false,
        // a filter to set this property as true for Chrome on Mobile
        browser: [Browser.Chrome],
        platform: [Platform.Mobile],
        value: true,

  themeColors: {
    value: {
      light: "#ffffff",
      dark: "#000000",
    filters: [
        browser: [Browser.InternetExplorer],
        engine: [Engine.EdgeHTML]
        value: {
          light: "#dbdbdb",
          dark: "#141414",

Import the created config in any other file with full type-safety:

import * as React from "react";
import config from "./config";

const MyComponent: React.FC = () => {
  // typeof config is inferred and strictly-typed as:
  // typeof config = {
  //    showButton: boolean;
  //    themeColors: {
  //        light: string;
  //        dark: string;
  //    }
  // }

  const shouldShowButton = config.showButton;

  return (
      <span>Some text</span>
      {shouldShowButton && <button onClick={() => {}}>Submit</button>}

✏️ Contributing

  • Post any issues and suggestions on the GitHub issues page.
  • To contribute, fork the project and then create a pull request back to master.