This Project creates an identity provider that mocks Azure AD. I call it libra-AD. The identity provider exposes an API that allows for basic authentication and provides a JWT token which details the user credetnials, as well as a list of groups that the user belongs to.
- Allows a basic sign in API using a username and passowrd
- API exposes basic managment API performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update , Delete) on the users in the directoty as well as their groups
- The managment API is accessible only to the directoy admins
- Applications can redirect the user to our login page and obtain a signed JWT that includes the user credentials.
- The application is designed to work with any database as the storage engine of the identity provider. Currently only MonogDB is implemnted, but there is a clean separation between the client's data access API and the internal implemntation.
- The Project is a node JS application that is built into a docker container.
- The project has a docker-compose file which defines the dependices and all options.