This project streams data from twitter into Apache Kafka. It uses twitter4j API to query twitter and then sends the data to a Kafka Broker.
This project can be used as the base of a larger project that performs realtime tweet analysis (To be Followed).
To run the connector, compile the maven project and pass a YAML input file containing (see ./config/producer-template.yml)
Twitter: See to get your own developer API keys
AuthConsumerSecret: "GETFROMTWITTER"
OAuthAccessTokenSecret: "GETFROMTWITTER"
The Kafka Beoker to send tweets to
kafkaBrokerList: "kafkabroker:9092"
Topic to stream data to
kafkaToic: "test-45"
The search query to filter tweets on, put * for all tweets (NOT RECOMMENDED)
searchQuery: "search-me"
if provided : the mockFilePath will read tweets from the file and mock using the Twitter API, this is very useful for testing purposes when Twitter rate limits you
mockFilePath: "./config/mockData.txt"