Basic to advance navigation features in Flutter (Flutter Navigation Cheat Sheet)
- Navigator 1.0
- 1.1. Navigate to a new page using Anonymous routes
- 1.2 Navigate back to previous page
- 1.3 Pass arguments to next page
- 1.4 Get results from navigation
- 1.5 Handle platform back button presses
- 1.6 Navigate to a new page using named routes
- 1.7 Pass arguments to a new page using named routes
- 1.8 Navigate using bottom navigation bar (Nested Routers)
- 1.9 Navigate to dialogs and pop up menus using nested navigators
- 1.10 Advanced named routes with onGenerateRoute
- 1.11 Pass arguments to the new page using onGenerateRoute
- 1.12 Navigate using bottom navigation bar and onGenerateRoute (Nested Routers)
- Navigator 2.0
- 2.1 Basic navigation to pages
- 2.2 Advanced Navigation to pages using URLs
- 2.3 Navigate using URLs with nested routers and bottom navigation bar