alieninvasion is a small program simulatoring Alien Invasion Game.
go get -v
cd $GOPATH/src/
make alien
It will generate a binary file called alieninvasion under ./bin folder
Usage: ./bin/alieninvasion [-na <number of aliens> -mx <X> -my <Y> -mapfile <input map file> -output <output map file>]
-mapfile string
Input map file
-mx int
size of x-coordinate of map matrix
-my int
size of y-coordinate of map matrix
-na int
Number of Aliens (default 2)
-nm int
Number of Moves (default 10000)
-output string
output file to dump the map info
- -mapfile : input map file which defines all the cities and paths connecting each other
- -mx : when mapfile is not provided, the program will generate a matrix map automatically. mx defines size of x-coordinate
- -my : when mapfile is not provided, the program will generate a matrix map automatically. my defines size of y-coordinate
- -na : number of aliens in the game.
- -nm : maximum possible moves in the game. The default value is 10000
- -output : output file name where the generated map is dumped to
- To generate a map file
./bin/alieninvasion -mx 8 -my 8 -output worldmap.txt
# The generated map is a 8x8 matrix. Each node on the matrix could have neighbor(s) in four directions
- To run the game with a pre-generated map. Note, there are a few pre-generated maps under ./maps folder.
./bin/alieninvasion -mapfile worldmap.txt -na 10 -nm 100
# There will be 10 aliens scatted on the map randomly and the maximum possible moves are 100
- To run the game with an automatically generated map
./bin/alieninvasion -mx 7 -my 6 -na 10 -nm 100
# There will be 10 aliens randomly scatted on a 7x6 automatically created map. The maximum possible moves are 100
- Note, if you want to save the map at the end of the game, you can redirect output to a file.
./bin/alieninvasion -mx 7 -my 6 -na 10 -nm 100 > endmap.txt
# Only map at the end is printed to Stdout. All other messages are sent to Stderr
make test
make nice