This code provides the .NET Framework API classes from Bluetooth connection to function execution and disconnection process.
omron.HVC.Droid.dll dll file created from code
HVC/ HVC class package
Core/ Common Core Class
HVC.cs HVC parent class
HVC_VER.cs Class storing the HVC version number
HVC_PRM.cs Class storing the set values for each parameter
HVC_RES.cs Class storing the function execution results
HVCCallback.cs Parent class for callback function
HVCBleCallback.cs Callback class to return the device status from HVC_BLE to main activity(HVCCallback sub-class)
BleCallback.cs Callback class to return the device status from BleDeviceService to HVC_BLE
Droid/ Android Class
BleDeviceSearch.cs Class for Bluetooth device search
BleDeviceService.cs Class for Bluetooth device control
HVC_BLE.cs HVC-C class (HVC sub-class)
(1) Use V4.3 or higher for Android-SDK (required).
(2) Bluetooth permission
Since HVC-C is connected with Bluetooth, the application will require Bluetooth permission. Add the following to the application manifest:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
(1) Reference Reference omron.HVC.Droid.dll into it. Or To install OMRON HVC-C SDK for Xamarin.Android, run the following command in the Package Manager Console. PM> Install-Package omron.HVC.Droid
(2) using
The HVC classes will be useable if they are imported as follows in the application source:
using omron.HVC;
(3) Guidance for programming
Description of main classes
Name Description HVC HVC super class HVC_BLE Class for HVC-C ・Used for HVC-C operations HVC_PRM HVC parameters ・Passed as argument of HVC.setParam() HVC_RES Class storing detection results HVC_BleCallback Class for callbacks called after process completion ・The method for HVC class is executed out-of-sync. The callback function is called after process completion.
Refer to the class diagram in HVC-C_Android class diagram for details.
Usage of HVC class
<Extract main process flow> // Create class HvcBle = new HVC_BLE(); HvcPrm = new HVC_PRM(); HvcRes = new HVC_RES(); // Obtain BLE device BluetoothDevice device = await this.SelectHVCDevice("OMRON_HVC.*|omron_hvc.*"); // Register callback HvcBle.SetCallBack(new hvcCallback(this)); // Connect HVC and BLE this.HvcBle.Connect(global::Android.App.Application.Context, device); // Set parameters this.HvcPrm.Face.MinSize = 60; await this.HvcBle.SetParam(this.HvcPrm); // Execute detection await this.HvcBle.execute(HVC.HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DETECTION | HVC.HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DIRECTION, this.HvcRes); // Disconnect BLE this.HvcBle.Disconnect(); <Get detection results> private class hvcCallback : HVCBleCallback { private readonly MainActivity outerInstance; public hvcCallback(MainActivity outerInstance) { this.outerInstance = outerInstance; } public override void OnConnected() { // Connection completed } public override void OnDisconnected() { // Disconnected } public override void OnPostSetParam(int nRet, byte outStatus) { // Settings completed } public override void OnPostGetParam(int nRet, byte outStatus) { // Get settings } public override void OnPostExecute(int nRet, byte outStatus) { // Get detection result foreach (HVC_RES.DetectionResult bodyResult in outerInstance.HvcRes.Body) { int size = bodyResult.Size; int posX = bodyResult.PosX; int posY = bodyResult.PosY; int conf = bodyResult.Confidence; } } }
After creating the HVC_BLE classes, the connection process to the device set in the parameters will start with the connect() method. Some time will be required for the connection to be completed. The functions must be executed after confirming the connection completion with the callback method onConnected(). (An error will be returned if the functions are executed during the connection process)
- This sample code and documentation are copyrighted property of HATSUNE, Akira
- Under Apache License 2.0.
- This sample code does not guarantee proper operation
- Original sample code and documentation are copyrighted property of OMRON Corporation
HATSUNE, Akira Copyright(C) 2014-2015 HATSUNE, Akira, All Rights Reserved.