A curated list of amazingly awesome Yii 2.0 extensions, libraries, resources and shiny things. Inspired by Awesome PHP.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
General stuff about Yii 2.0.
- Yii 2.0 framework - Yii 2.0 framework.
- Yii Feed - Framework feed. Components, libs, extensions etc.
- YiiGist - Composer packages for Yii.
Guides, docs.
- Official Yii 2.0 guide - Official Yii 2.0 guide
- dektrium/yii2-user - Great user module (login,signup,restore etc).
- yii2mod/yii2-comments - Comments module.
- chiliec/yii2-vote - Vote module for attaching to any model.
- trntv/yii2-starter-kit - Yii 2.0 Advanced template +.
Core components for Yii 2.0.
- rmrevin/yii2-fontawesome - Font Awesome asset + helpers.
- codemix/yii2-excelexport - Export data/models to excel.
- codemix/yii2-localeurls - Language prefix in URLs.
- trntv/yii2-file-kit - File-kit components.
- trntv/yii2-glide - Image manipulation components.
- yii2tech/crontab - Crontab extension.
- yii2tech/config - Application runtime config.
- yii2tech/filedb - FileDB extension.
- yii2tech/balance - Balance accounting extension.
Widgets and UI related.
- Kartik Widgets - Great collection of widgets
- kartik-v/yii2-social - Module that enables access to social plugins for Yii Framework 2.0. It includes support for embedding plugins from the following networks into your website.
- yii2-imperavi-widget - Imperavi Redactor Widget is a wrapper for Imperavi Redactor, a high quality WYSIWYG editor.
- miloschuman/yii2-highcharts - Easily add Highcharts, Highstock and Highmaps graphs to your Yii2 application.
- cebe/yii2-gravatar - Gravatar Widget for Yii Framework 2.
- Kolyunya/yii2-map-input-widget - A Yii2 input widget which provides a user-friendly interface for selecting geographical coordinates via Google maps.
- borodulin/yii2-codemirror - CodeMiror editor.
- rmrevin/yii2-favicon-widget Favicon generator.
- unclead/yii2-multiple-input - Multimple input widget.
- chiliec/yii2-pager - Previous and next link widget.
Behaviors and filters.
- zelenin/yii2-slug-behavior - Yii2 slug behavior.
- Kolyunya/yii2-http-authorization - Yii2 HTTP authorization filter.
- yii2tech/ar-softdelete - Soft delete behavior.
- 2amigos/yii2-transliterator-helper - TransliteratorHelper transliterates UTF-8 encoded text to US-ASCII.