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A central interface for initial critical light wallet functions backed by a slightly customized minimal vendored Monero C++ src


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Haven Core C++

  1. What's in this Repo?
  2. Setup
  3. Usage
  4. Testing
  5. Pull Requests
  6. Developing
  7. Contributors
  8. Embedding the C++
  9. API

What's in This Repo?

This repository holds the C++ source code for the Haven/Monero/CryptoNote cryptography and protocols, plus lightwallet functions.

Thank you to MyMonero

This repository owes a huge thank you to the MyMonero folks who wrote mymonero-core-cpp from which this repository is forked. We have deep appreciation for the authors, contributors, and advisors of mymonero-core-cpp:

  • Paul Shapiro

  • luigi1111

  • vtnerd

  • moneromooo-monero

  • ndorf

  • gutenye

So, thank you!

To anyone utilizing this library, please keep in mind, you may see many references to Monero and/or MyMonero in this repository (and in this README) as a result. We are working on cleaning this up for clarity.


  • contrib/monero-core-custom is a Git submodule which contains a curated subset of the official Haven C/C++ source code

  • src contains all the custom code written for this repo.

    • serial_bridge_index contains a central JSON interface to a set of central haven-core functions, documented below.
  • This readme is located at, and the license is located at LICENSE.txt.


  • (to use included shell scripts) cmake

  • Boost 1.58 library components

    • system

    • thread

    • If running tests: unit_test_framework

  • monero-core-custom (see "Setup")


  • Run bin/update_submodules


Simply embed the relevant code in your application, generally via CMake. See CMakeLists.txt for required files.

One example usage of this code is its transpilation into wasm and JS by mymonero-core-js.


  • Run bin/buildAndRun_tests to execute Boost test cases.

Please submit any bugs as Issues unless they have already been reported.

Suggestions and feedback are very welcome!

Pull Requests

We'll merge nearly anything constructive and relevant.

Contributors credited in releases.

All development happens off the develop branch like the Gitflow Workflow.


  • If you use a Mac and want to develop within Xcode, run bin/genXcodeProj to generate ./xcode/TEST.xcodeproj. Once opened, its build target can be switched from ALL_BUILD to test_all, from which a Build & Run will display test results in the console.

  • Branches and PRs should be made from and to the develop branch, which gets merged to master for tagged releases

Embedding the C++

If you want to embed the C++ or build the source in your own project, please take note of the following:

  • slow-hash.c must be compiled with -maes

  • The Haven source, a slightly modified version of which is a dep of this project, can only be built on versions of iOS >= 9 due to required support for thread_local as used by threadpool.cpp.

  • Not all Haven .cpp files which are in monero-core-custom must be included for mymonero-core-cpp - such as when their symbols are not required by any code called by this project. See CMakeLists.txt for a list of files required for compilation.

  • If you only want to call the C++ directly without using serial_bridge_index (described below), then that file-pair does not need to be included in your build. (See mymonero-app-ios link)



  • If you are implementing the below-described Send routine yourself (examples: JS, Swift), you should:


Coming soon

For examples see src/serial_bridge_index.cpp and mymonero-app-ios/


src/serial_bridge_index exposes this project's core library functions. Each bridge function takes a string-serialized JSON object as an argument and returns a string-serialized JSON object.

Usage of each of these JSON-bridge functions is demonstrated in tests/test_all.cpp.

When they fail, some of these functions return only a key-value err_msg.

Argument and return value data types

  • Some args must be passed as strings, such as uint64 args like indexs and amounts.

  • Some boolean return values may be sent (by Boost) in JSON as strings instead, called BoolString below ( e.g. "false").

  • Network type is sent as a string (NettypeString below), which can be obtained via serial_bridge::string_from_nettype().

Compressing / reducing size of key names could be a significant optimization, as could a migration to msgpack.

Parsing Addresses


  • Args: nettype_string: NettypeString, address: String

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR pub_spendKey_string: String, pub_viewKey_string: String, paymentID_string: String, and isSubaddress: Boolstring


  • Args: nettype_string: NettypeString, address: String

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR retVal: Boolstring


  • Args: nettype_string: NettypeString, address: String

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR retVal: Boolstring

Parsing and Creating Wallets


  • Args: nettype_string: NettypeString, locale_language_code: String

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR mnemonic_string: String, mnemonic_language: WordsetNameString, sec_seed_string: String, address_string: String, pub_spendKey_string: String, pub_viewKey_string: String, sec_viewKey_string: String, and sec_spendKey_string: String


  • Args: a: String, b: String

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR retVal: Boolstring


  • Args:

    • seed_string: String
    • wordset_name: WordsetNameString returned as mnemonic_language by seed_and_keys_from_mnemonic and newly_created_wallet
  • Returns: err_msg: String OR retVal: String


  • Args: nettype_string: NettypeString, mnemonic_string: String

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR mnemonic_language: WordsetNameString, sec_seed_string: String, address_string: String, pub_spendKey_string: String, pub_viewKey_string: String, sec_viewKey_string: String, and sec_spendKey_string: String


  • Args: nettype_string: NettypeString, address_string: String, sec_viewKey_string: String, sec_spendKey_string: Optional<String>, seed_string: Optional<String>

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR pub_spendKey_string: String, pub_viewKey_string: String, isInViewOnlyMode: Boolstring, and isValid: Boolstring


  • AKA create_address in legacy mymonero-core-js

  • Args: nettype_string: NettypeString, seed_string: String

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR address_string: String, pub_spendKey_string: String, pub_viewKey_string: String, sec_viewKey_string: String, and sec_spendKey_string: String

Producing Misc. Values


  • Args: nettype_string: NettypeString, short_pid: String, address: String

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR retVal: String


  • Args: empty object

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR retVal: String


  • Args: sec_viewKey_string: String, sec_spendKey_string: String, pub_spendKey_string: String, tx_pub_key: String, out_index: UInt32String

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR retVal: String


  • Args: pub: String, sec: String

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR retVal: String


  • Args: derivation: String, output_index: UInt32String

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR retVal: String


  • Args: derivation: String, pub: String, out_index: UInt32String

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR retVal: String


  • Args: derivation: String, output_key: String, out_index: UInt32String

  • Returns: err_msg: String OR retVal: String

decodeRct, decodeRctSimple

  • Args: i: UInt32String, sk: String, rv: DecodeRCT_RV where

    • DecodeRCT_RV: Dictionary with type: RCTTypeIntString, ecdhInfo: [DecodeRCT_ECDHInfo], outPk: [DecodeRCT_OutPK]

      • RCTTypeIntString: String corresponding to values in rct::RCTType*

      • DecodeRCT_ECDHInfo: Dictionary with amount: String, mask: String

      • DecodeRCT_OutPK: Dictionary with mask: String


  • Returns err_msg: String OR amount: String and mask: String



Useful for displaying an estimated fee – To obtain exact fees, see "Creating and Sending Transactions"

  • Args:

    • fee_per_b: UInt64String
    • priority: UInt32String
    • fork_version: UInt8String
  • Returns: retVal: UInt64String


  • Args:

    • n_inputs: UInt32String
    • mixin: UInt32String
    • n_outputs: UInt32String
    • extra_size: UInt32String
    • bulletproof: BoolString
    • clsag: BoolString
  • Returns: retVal: UInt32String

Creating and Sending Transactions

As mentioned, implementing the Send procedure without making use of one of our existing libraries or examples involves two bridge calls surrounded by server API calls, and mandatory reconstruction logic, and is simplified by various opportunities to pass values directly between the steps.

The values which must be passed between functions have (almost entirely) consistent names, simplifying integration. The only current exception is the name of the explicit fee_actually_needed which should be passed to step1 as the optional passedIn_attemptAt_fee after being received by calling step2 (see below).

Shared JSON types
  • UnspentOutput: Dictionary with

    • amount: UInt64String
    • public_key: String
    • rct: Optional<String>
    • global_index: UInt64String
    • asset_index: UInt64String
    • index: UInt64String
    • tx_pub_key: String
  • CreateTransactionErrorCode: UInt32String defined in monero_transfer_utils.hpp; to remain stable within major versions

  • PricingRecord: Dictionary with

    • blockchain_height: UInt64String
    • pricing_record: Dictionary with
      • sig_hex: String
      • unused1: UInt64String
      • unused2: UInt64String
      • unused3: UInt64String
      • xAG: UInt64String
      • xAU: UInt64String
      • xAUD: UInt64String
      • xBTC: UInt64String
      • xCAD: UInt64String
      • xCHF: UInt64String
      • xCNY: UInt64String
      • xERU: UInt64String
      • xGBP: UInt64String
      • xJPY: UInt64String
      • xNOK: UInt64String
      • xNZD: UInt64String
      • xUSD: UInt64String
  • Args:

    • sending_amount: UInt64String
    • is_sweeping: BoolString
    • from_asset_type: String
    • to_asset_type: String
    • priority: UInt32String of 14
    • fee_per_b: UInt64String
    • fee_mask: UInt64String
    • fork_version: UInt8String
    • unspent_outs: [UnspentOutput] - fully parsed server response
    • pr: [PricingRecord] - fully parsed server response
    • payment_id_string: Optional<String>
    • passedIn_attemptAt_fee: Optional<UInt64String>
  • Returns:

    • err_code: CreateTransactionErrorCode==needMoreMoneyThanFound(90)
    • err_msg: String
    • required_balance: UInt64String
    • spendable_balance: UInt64String


    • err_code: CreateTransactionErrorCode!=needMoreMoneyThanFound
    • err_msg: String


    • mixin: UInt32String use this for requesting random outputs before step2
    • using_fee: UInt64String expressed in same currency as from_asset_type
    • change_amount: UInt64String expressed in same currency as from_asset_type
    • using_outs: [UnspentOutput] passable directly to step2
    • final_total_wo_fee: UInt64String expressed in same currency as from_asset_type
    • final_total_wo_fee_base_currency: UInt64String expressed in base curreny which is XHV for onshore/offshore, XUSD for xasset-exchanges and from_asset_type for transfers
  • Args:
    • from_address_string: String

    • sec_viewKey_string: String

    • sec_spendKey_string: String

    • to_address_string: String

    • from_asset_type: String

    • to_asset_type: String

    • final_total_wo_fee: UInt64String returned by step1

    • final_total_wo_fee_base_currency: UInt64String returned by step1

    • change_amount: UInt64String returned by step1

    • fee_amount: UInt64String returned by step1

    • priority: UInt32String of 14

    • fee_per_b: UInt64String

    • fee_mask: UInt64String

    • fork_version: UInt8String

    • using_outs: [UnspentOutput] returned by step1

    • mix_outs: [MixAmountAndOuts] defined below

    • current_height: UInt64String obtained from API call

    • pr: [PricingRecord] - fully parsed server response

    • unlock_time: UInt64String

    • nettype_string: NettypeString

    • payment_id_string: Optional<String>

      • MixAmountAndOuts: Dictionary decoys obtained from API call with
        • amount: UInt64String
        • outputs: [MixOut] where
          • MixOut: Dictionary with
            • global_index: UInt64String
            • asset_index: UInt64String
            • public_key: String
            • rct: Optional<String>
    • Returns:

      • tx_must_be_reconstructed: BoolString==true
      • fee_actually_needed: UInt64String pass this back to step1 as passedIn_attemptAt_fee


      • err_msg: String


      • tx_must_be_reconstructed: Boolstring!=true
      • serialized_signed_tx: String
      • tx_hash: String
      • tx_key: String


A central interface for initial critical light wallet functions backed by a slightly customized minimal vendored Monero C++ src







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  • C++ 98.9%
  • Other 1.1%