This lab uses Containerlab to spin up the HawkV6 test network containing XRd control-plane devices and Docker containers:
Deploy the lab with the following command:
sudo containerlab deploy -t clab-hawkv6-network.yml
Destroy the lab with the following command:
sudo containerlab destroy -t clab-hawkv6-network.yml
You can connect to the hosts using the following commands:
docker exec -it clab-hawkv6-HOST-A bash
docker exec -it clab-hawkv6-XR-1 /pkg/bin/
Containerlab has excellent documentation about using (remote) capture.
You can either use the standard option:
ssh user@containerlab-host "sudo ip netns exec hawk9-XR-1 tcpdump -U -nni Gi0-0-0-0 -w -" | wireshark -k -i -
or read further about clabshark
- More detailed information about the network can be found in network documentation
- More detailed information about the installation and requirements can be found in requirements