This mobile application, built with Flutter, provides users with up-to-date weather information for any city in the world. Search by city name to retrieve the current temperature, minimum and maximum temperatures, and weather conditions for the day.
- City Search: Easily find weather information for any location by entering its name.
- Current Weather: View the current temperature, minimum and maximum temperatures, and weather conditions for the searched city.
- User-Friendly Interface: Utilize intuitive Flutter widgets for a visually appealing and interactive user experience.
- Navigation: Seamlessly navigate between different screens using Flutter's navigation features.
- Data Management: Leverage the Bloc pattern (Cubit) for state management and effective data handling.
- API Integration: Fetch weather data from a weather API using the Dio package for efficient network communication.
- Asynchronous Programming: Utilize async/await syntax for asynchronous data fetching and UI updates.