- Download and install MatConvNet
- Install this module with the package manager of MatConvNet
vl_contrib('install', 'WSDDN') ;
vl_contrib('setup', 'WSDDN') ;
If you want to train a WSDDN model,
will automatically download the items below:a. PASCAL VOC 2007 devkit and dataset under
folderb. Pre-computed edge-boxes for trainval and test splits:
c. Pre-trained network from MatConvNet website
You can also download the pre-trained WSDDN model (VGGF-EB-BoxSc-SpReg). Note that it gives slightly different performance reported than in the paper (34.4% mAP instead of 34.5% mAP)
After completing the installation and downloading the required files, you are ready for the demo
cd scripts;
opts.modelPath = '....' ;
opts.imdbPath = '....' ;
opts.gpu = .... ;
wsddn_demo(opts) ;
addpath scripts;
opts.modelPath = '....' ;
opts.imdbPath = '....' ;
opts.gpu = .... ;
opts.vis = true ; % visualize
wsddn_test(opts) ;
Download an ImageNet pre-trained model from http://www.vlfeat.org/matconvnet/pretrained/
addpath scripts;
opts.modelPath = '....' ;
opts.imdbPath = '....' ;
opts.train.gpus = .... ;
[net,info] = wsddn_train(opts) ;
If you find the code useful, please cite:
author = "Bilen, H. and Vedaldi, A.",
title = "Weakly Supervised Deep Detection Networks",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition",
year = "2016"
Many thanks to Sam Albanie for his help with contrib package manager and other nameless heros who diligently found my bugs.
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