To reproduct the results from the analysis of the Synchropioid project, you will need to go through each steps of this tutorial.
a/ To download the following tutorial:
Go to the public repository
Click on the green 'Code' button
Click on the 'Download ZIP' button
After downloading the repository, go to your chosen downloading folder and extract the downloaded compressed folder with
To start the tutorial, go to its root folder:
cd analysis_synchropioid-main
a/ This step installs the tools to perform the analysis.
Install key packages needed for the tutorial:
sudo apt install python3-pip liblapack-dev
b/ Install the needed Python tools with the requirements.txt file:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
/!If pip struggles to install all package, re-run multiple time the command to force pip to resolve the problems.
Need steps 0/ and 1/
a/ Running and on 20 CPUs to make the Synchropioid dataset BIDS compliant:
cd 00_prepro_fmri/ ./ -v -i /biomaps/acquisitions/dicom/SIGNA_PET/ -o /biomaps/synchropioid/dataset_synchropioid/fmri_nifti_dir/ --cpu 20
Need steps 0/, 1/ and 2/
a/ Launching fmriprep on a console:
sudo docker run -ti --rm -v /biomaps/synchropioid/dataset_synchropioid/fmri_nifti_dir/:/data:ro -v /biomaps/synchropioid/dataset_synchropioid/fmri_nifti_dir/:/derivatives:rw -v /biomaps/freesurfer/license.txt:/opt/freesurfer/license.txt:ro poldracklab/fmriprep:latest /data /derivatives/ participant --output-space MNI152Lin --fs-license-file /opt/freesurfer/license.txt --fs-no-reconall --random-seed 0 --dummy-scans 10 --nthreads 20
/!If you need to restart a failed preprocessing step, first you will need to delete the previous failed produced folder:
rm -rf /biomaps/synchropioid/dataset_synchropioid/fmri_nifti_dir/fmriprep/
Simply re-run the docker command after the deleting step.
b/ To match the BIDS format, rename the produced preprocessing folder
mv /biomaps/synchropioid/dataset_synchropioid/fmri_nifti_dir/fmriprep/ /biomaps/synchropioid/dataset_synchropioid/fmri_nifti_dir/derivatives/
Need steps 0/, 1/, 2/ and 3/
a/ Open the each fmri-prep .html report (one per subject) under the folder /biomaps/synchropioid/dataset_synchropioid/fmri_nifti_dir/derivatives/ to check each preprocessing step.
b/ Run MRI-quality-control to add a simple quality check:
mriqc /biomaps/synchropioid/dataset_synchropioid/fmri_nifti_dir/derivatives/ . participant
Need steps 0/, 1/, 2/, 3/ and 4/
a/ Running decomposition_multi_subjects and to estimation the HRFs for each subject:
cd 02_hrf_est/ python3 --max-iter 100 --seed 0 --preproc-dir /biomaps/synchropioid/dataset_synchropioid/fmri_nifti_dir/derivatives/ --results-dir results_hrf_estimation_single --cpu 20 --verbose 1
Those commands will produced the folder results_hrf_estimation_single and results_hrf_estimation_group that store the produced results.
Need steps 0/, 1/, 2/, 3/ and 4/
a/ Running estimation_connectome:
cd 03_connectome/ python3 --preproc-dir /biomaps/synchropioid/dataset_synchropioid/fmri_nifti_dir/derivatives/ --result-dir results_connectome --verbose 1
Those commands will produced the folder results_connectome that store the produced results.
Need steps 0/, 1/, 2/, 3/, 4/, 5/ and 7/
a/ Produce the silouette curve w.r.t the temporal regularization value plot for the HRF estimation:
cd 05_plotting_hrf_est/ python3 --plots-dir plots --results-dir ../03_hrf_est/results_hrf_estimation_single/ --verbose 1
b/ Produce vascular maps for each subjects for the best temporal regularization value for the HRF estimation:
python3 --bids-root-dir /biomaps/synchropioid/dataset_synchropioid/fmri_nifti_dir/ --results-dir ../03_hrf_est/results_hrf_estimation_single/ --best-params-file decomp_params/best_single_subject_decomp_params.json --output-dir output_dir --verbose 1
c/ Produce the haemodynamic region scatter plot and the mean haemodynamic evolution plot for the HRF estimation:
python3 --plots-dir plots --bids-root-dir /biomaps/synchropioid/dataset_synchropioid/fmri_nifti_dir/ --results-dir ../03_hrf_est/results_hrf_estimation_single/ --best-params-file decomp_params/best_single_subject_decomp_params.json --verbose 1
d/ Produce the T-test on the vascular maps plot for the HRF estimation:
python3 --vascular-maps-dir output_dir --plots-dir plots --verbose 1 eog plots/
e/ Produce the temgesic vs contro examples comparisons on the vascular maps plot for the HRF estimation:
python3 --vascular-maps-dir output_dir --bids-root-dir /media/veracrypt1/synchropioid/fmri_nifti_dir/ --plots-dir plots --task-filter only_hb_rest --verbose 1
All the plots are gathered under the plots folder.
Need steps 0/, 1/, 2/, 3/, 4/, 6/ and 7/
a/ Produce the norm plot for the Connectome:
cd 04_plotting_connectome/ python3 --connectome-dir ../04_connectome/results_connectome/ --plots-dir plots --verbose 1
b/ Produce the temgesic/control prediction plot for the Connectome:
python3 --connectomes-dir ../04_connectome/results_connectome/ --plots-dir plots --seed 0 --cpu 20 --verbose 1
c/ Produce the learning curve for the temgesic/control prediction task plot for the Connectome:
python3 --connectomes-dir ../04_connectome/results_connectome/ --plots-dir plots --seed 0 --cpu 20 --verbose 1
d/ Produce the T-test on the connectome matrices plot for the Connectome:
python3 --connectome-dir ../04_connectome/results_connectome/ --plots-dir plots --verbose 1 eog plots/
e/ Produce the ANOVA on the connectome matrices plot for the Connectome:
python3 --connectomes-dir ../03_connectome/results_connectome/ --plots-dir plots --seed 0 --cpu 20 --task-filter only_hb_rest --verbose 1
All the plots are gathered under the plots folder.
To add a new subject to the Synchropioid dataset, simply edit the dicom_subjects_list.txt
file by adding a newline with the corresponding DICOM directory name (e.g. add a new line S00...