The Library for Build a Telegram Bot.
- php-curl
// Checking the exists "Telebot Library".
if (!file_exists("telebot.php")) {
copy("", "telebot.php");
$bot = new Telebot('TOKEN');
// codes
* for example:
* $bot($method, $args);
$bot('sendMessage', ['chat_id'=> $chat_id, 'text'=> $text]);
* for example:
* $bot->$method($args);
$bot->sendMessage(['chat_id'=> $chat_id, 'text'=> $text]);
* all events
* for example:
* $bot->on('all' or '*', function($type, $data) use ($bot, $args..) { ... });
$bot->on('*', function($type, $data) use ($bot) {
$chat_id = $data['chat']['id'];
$bot->sendMessage(['chat_id'=> $chat_id, 'text'=> "$type\n\n" . json_encode($data)]);
* one event
* for example:
* $bot->on($ev_type, function($data) use ($bot, $args..) { ... });
$bot->on('text', function($data) use ($bot) {
$chat_id = $data['chat']['id'];
$text = $data['text'];
$bot->sendMessage(['chat_id'=> $chat_id, 'text'=> "Parrot: $text"]);
a few examples..
$chat_id = $data['chat']['id'];
$name = $data['chat']['first_name'];
'chat_id'=> $chat_id,
'text'=> "Hello $name",
'parse_mode'=> 'Markdown'
$bot->download($file_id, $file_path);
$chat_id = $data['chat']['id'];
'chat_id'=> $chat_id,
'document'=> '',
'caption'=> 'this is a caption.'
$chat_id = $data['chat']['id'];
'chat_id'=> $chat_id,
'photo'=> 'image.jpg',
'caption'=> 'this is a caption.'
$bot->on('text', function($data) use ($bot) {
$chat_id = $data['chat']['id'];
$text = $data['text'];
$keyboard_btn = Telebot::keyboard("
[Share Phone Number|request_contact] [Share Location|request_location]
'chat_id'=> $chat_id,
'text'=> "Keyboard Buttons :",
'reply_markup'=> $keyboard_btn
if ($text == 'Help') {
'text'=> "Help Text Here",
'disable_web_page_preview'=> true
$bot->on('contact', function($data) use ($bot) {
$chat_id = $data['chat']['id'];
$contact = $data['contact'];
$phone_number = $contact['phone_number'];
'text'=> "Phone Number: $phone_number"
$bot->on('text', function($data) use ($bot) {
$chat_id = $data['chat']['id'];
$text = $data['text'];
$inline_btn = Telebot::inline_keyboard("
[Dialog|show_dialog] [Toast|show_toast]
[SIQ|switch_inline_query:query] [SIQC|switch_inline_query_current_chat:query]
'chat_id'=> $chat_id,
'text'=> "Inline Keyboard Buttons :",
'reply_markup'=> $inline_btn
$bot->on('callback_query', function($callback_query) use ($bot) {
$callback_query_id = $callback_query['id'];
$callback_query_data = $callback_query['data'];
$callback_query_chat_id = $callback_query['message']['chat']['id'];
if ($callback_query_data == 'show_dialog') {
'callback_query_id'=> $callback_query_id,
'text'=> 'Dialog Text Here.',
'show_alert'=> true
} elseif ($callback_query_data == 'show_toast') {
'callback_query_id'=> $callback_query_id,
'text'=> 'Toast Text Here.',
'show_alert'=> false