Licence: LGPL v3
Tested on Windows 10 and Linux. Should be ok on macOS.
Java 21
Start process with Java, with more practical tools.
See tv.hd3g.processlauncher.Exec
for shortcuts examples.
- Create process, watches it, kill it (QUIT), check if run is correctly completed
- Catch std-out and std-err with text support, during the execution, and after.
- Can interact with process on std-in/out/err on the fly
- Provide an API for command line parameters
- simply add new parameters
- parse raw command line and extract parameters, manage " and space separation.
- get parameters value
- use simple template with command line: the command line can be configurable and code can inject variable values
- Provide an API for search and found executable file after its names, via classpath, system path, configurable paths, and adapt execnames on Windows (add extension).
- Can stop process after a max execution time
- Can be callback just after the run starts and after the running ends.
- Can just prepare and extract a Java ProcessBuilder (for an execution outside this API).
- Manage sub-process killing
- Automatically kill all running process (and sub-process) if the Java app is closing.
Use maven and Junit for run internal UT and IT.
FFmpeg API launcher.
Use with Java and JAXB API for import ffprobe xml result.
Start ffprobe like:
ffprobe -print_format xml -show_streams -show_format -hide_banner -i <my-media-file>`
And pass the XML (via stdout) to give to Java (11+):
new FFprobeJAXB(final String xmlContent, final Consumer<String> onWarnLog);
You should see fflauncher project to use ffprobe-jaxb.