This repository contains Python solutions to various Leetcode problems, covering a wide range of topics such as searching, sorting, arrays, linked lists, and more. Each solution is designed to be efficient and easy to understand, making it a great resource for practicing coding interview questions.
- Python-Based:
- All solutions are implemented in Python, a popular language for coding interviews.
- Efficient Algorithms:
- Focus on optimal time and space complexity.
- Easy to Understand:
- Solutions are well-commented and explained for clarity.
- Searching and Sorting:
- Binary Search
- Linear Search
- Tim Sort
- Quick Sort
- Arrays and Strings:
- Two-pointer technique
- Sliding Window
- Subarray problems
- Linked Lists:
- Reversal
- Cycle Detection
- Merge Linked Lists
- More:
- Dynamic Programming
- Greedy Algorithms
- Tree and Graph Traversal
- Python 3.8+
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.