ZAbbrev 0.11 was released on 28th December 2024.
- Fix encoding error when building suffix array
- Multiple passes when adding/removing spaces
- Organize different compression options into -x[0-3], compression level
- Added test with one or two initial/trailing characters removed
- Use Inform-standard replacement chars for quote, space and CR
- Use z-code padding information (if available) from gametext.txt created by unz
- Modified statistics
- Warnings when abbreviation exceeds 64 characters for Inform6 or custom alphabet is created for v1-4.
- Stopwatches (optional)
- Visual Studio 2022, NET9
- VB.NET --> C#
- ZAbbrevMaker --> ZAbbrev
- Replace StringBuilder objects with AsSpan()
- zabbrev without args and no files to process equals -h