At the time of writing there's still no sane way to freeze screen on wayland (for screenshots for example) and I saw people use combination of hyprpicker and slurp which just feels like a crutch so I decided to write this abomination.
Simple, it just takes a screenshot and then displays this screenshot over your screen to create an illusion of frozen screen. It uses wlr-layer-shell-unstable and wlr-screencopy-unstable so make sure your composter supports them.
You need meson and libwayland-client to compile frzscr
git clone ''
cd frzscr
meson setup build
meson compile -C build
See help for overview of available options:
build/frzscr -h
Launching frzscr without arguments will just freeze your screen until you kill frzscr so don't do that. You can use -t (timeout) option to exit after n seconds or -c option to fork a child and exit when child exits. You can also combine both options, in which case it will kill child and exit when timeout expires.
# freeze screen for 5 seconds
build/frzscr -t 5
# this is an example on how frzscr can be used for screenshots,
# note double -c flag, first is for frzscr itself, second is for sh
build/frzscr -c sh -c 'grim -g "$(slurp)" - | wl-copy -t "image/png"'
- hello-wayland - layer shell example
- grim - screenshot example
- 1, 2 - shm examples
- wayland explorer - protocol docs