Project for CMSC12200 - Computer Science with Applications II @University of Chicago
Authors: @cgrandet @hectorsalvador
CheapChicago is a webpage that offers you a list of establishments based on three characteristics: low prices, great ratings, and things you like. Just click on the categories of places you want to go, select some desirable characteristics, and you'll get a map with the information of the best scored places in a Chicago neighborhood!
CheapChicago contains 1 file and 1 folder:
File: A crawler that scrapes the Yelp website looking for establishments that have certain characteristics in a particular neighborhood. Requires Python 2.7, bs4, oauth2, requests, urllib, urllib2.
Folder: ui A folder containing information for the webpage:
- executes the django interface using "runserver" as an argument
- neighborhoods: a folder containing the information of Yelp's scraped establishments
- res: contains csv files of the possible options to fill in the web page
- scoring: contains a python file that returns the best scored establishments, according to the inputs selected by the user, and a url that maps them. Also contains the file with the Google StaticMaps API key. Requires Python 3, numpy, datetime, and re.
- search: contains files for the views page of the Django website
- static: has the CSS code for the website format
- ui: complementary code for the website (unchanged from the CS122 - Online Course Catalog code)
To run the website, go to ui folder and run: << python runserver >>. Open then a web browser with the indicated http address.
The code will have one of the following identifiers, regarding authorship:
- "Direct copy": Generated by installed package (Django or other) and few edits made
- "Modified" : Generated by installed package (Django or other) and meaningful edits made OR heavily utilized template(s) provided by tutorial sessions (TA or Django - generated)
- "Original": Original code or heavily modified given structure