Crayon is a frontend CLI tool for bootstrapping and scaffolding frontend applications. Much like Laravel's artisan
CLI tool, it aims to reduce time in writing a lot of repetitive patterns.
yarn add -D @hedgehoglab/crayon-cli
Or without installation:
npx @hedgehoglab/crayon-cli
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Crayon CLI (@hedgehoglab/crayon-cli v1.0.11)
USAGE @hedgehoglab/crayon-cli init|make:component|config
init Initialise a Crayon CLI config in the current directory
make:component Generate a component from boilerplate
config Output the current crayon cli config
Use @hedgehoglab/crayon-cli <command> --help for more information about a command.
# clone the repo
git clone
# cd into the directory
cd crayon-cli
# install dependencies
pnpm install
# link the module for use elsewhere
pnpm link