Canmatrix is a python package to read and write several CAN (Controller Area Network) database formats.
Canmatrix implements a "Python Can Matrix Object" which describes the can-communication and the needed objects (Boardunits, Frames, Signals, Values, ...) Canmatrix also includes two Tools (canconvert and cancompare) for converting and comparing CAN databases.
There are several importers (read) and exporters (write) for this object.
supported file formats for import:
- .dbc candb / Vector
- .dbf Busmaster (open source!)
- .kcd kayak (open source!)
- .arxml autosar system description
- .yaml dump of the python object
- .xls(x) excel xls-import, works with .xls-file generated by this lib
- .sym peak pcan can description
supported file formats for export:
- .dbc
- .dbf
- .kcd
- .xls(x)
- .json Canard (open source!)
- .arxml (very basic implementation)
- .yaml (dump of the python object)
- .sym
- .xml fibex
Chinese Translation / 安装中文方法解释及注意事项
Install canmatrix with either "pip install canmatrix" or "python install" and "pip install -r requirements.txt"
This installs the canmatrix package into your python installation.
In addition to the canmatrix package there are 2 scripts installed with this package:
for additional formats [arxml, kcd, fibex, xls, xlsx] use syntax like:
pip install git+[kcd]
converts CAN database formats between all supported formats.
Example: "canconvert someArSystemdescription.arxml file.dbc"
compares 2 CAN databases (of different or same format).
Example: "cancompare file1.dbc file2.dbc"
If you are using a *NIX-System, these scripts should be callable from command line
If you are using a Windows system, these scripts are usually installed at the location of your python installation. For example 'C:\python3.4\Scripts' or 'C:\python2.7\Scripts'
Canmatrix depends on:
There are some example python scripts in the example-folder -h --help
show help message/usage and exits -v
Output verbosity -s
don't print status messages to stdout. (only errors) -f FORCE_OUTPUT
enforce output format, ignoring output file extension (e.g., -f csv)
convert dbc file to xlsx: source.dbc target.xlsx
convert dbc file to dbf: source.dbc target.dbf
convert arxml file to dbc: source.arxml target.dbc
Note: in case of .arxml there can be multiple can databases in.
Thus the target target.dbc
may in this case be called BUS-NAME-IN-ARXML_target.dbc
There will be one target .dbc for each database in .arxml.
You can even convert to the same format:
convert dbc file to dbc: source.dbc target.dbc
Multiple charset support:
convert dbc file to dbc with different charset: --dbcImportEncoding=iso-8859-1 --dbcImportCommentEncoding=cp-1252 --dbcExportEncoding=utf-8 --dbcExportCommentEncoding=utf-8 source.dbc target.dbc
This converts source.dbc
where units are coded in iso-8859-1
and comments are coded in cp-1252
in a target.dbc
where everything is coded in utf-8
Similar charset conversions are possible or even mandatory for following formats: dbc, dbf and sym.
delete zero sized signals: --deleteZeroSignals source.dbc target.dbc
will delete signals with 0 bit length from matrix
delete unwanted attributes from signals: --deleteSignalAttributes GenMsgCycleTime,MyAttrib source.dbc target.dbc
will delete the attributes GenMsgCycleTime
and MyAttrib
from all signals in source.dbc
and save the result in target.dbc
delete unwanted attributes from frames: --deleteFrameAttributes GenMsgCycleTime,MyAttrib source.dbc target.dbc
will delete the attributes GenMsgCycleTime
and MyAttrib
from all frames in source.dbc
and save the result in target.dbc
recalculate DLC: --recalcDLC=max source.dbc target.dbc
this will recalculate DLC for each frame in source.dbc
In target.dlc
the same DLC like in source.dbc
will be stored, except the calculated DLC is bigger.
Than the calculated DLC will be stored.
recalculate DLC: --recalcDLC=force source.dbc target.dbc
this will recalculate DLC for each frame in source.dbc
In target.dlc
the calculated DLC will be stored independently from source.dbc
delete unneeded/obsolete defines: --deleteObsoleteDefines source.dbc target.dbc
this will remove all defines which no attribute exist for in source.dbc
and store the result in target.dlc
delete ECU: --deleteECU=myEcu,myEcu2 source.dbc target.dbc
this will remove ECUs myEcu
and myEcu2
in source.dbc
and store the result in target.dlc
rename ECU: --renameECU=myEcu:myNewEcu,myEcu2:myNewEcu2 source.dbc target.dbc
this will load source.dbc
and rename ECU myEcu
in myNewEcu
and myEcu2
in myNewEcu2
The result is stored in target.dlc
delete Frame: --deleteFrame=myFrame,myFrame2 source.dbc target.dbc
this will remove frames myFrame
and myFrame2
in source.dbc
and store the result in target.dlc
rename Frame: --renameFrame=myFrame:myNewFrame,myFrame2:myNewFrame2 source.dbc target.dbc
this will load source.dbc
and rename frames myFrame
in myNewFrame
and myFrame2
in myNewFrame2
The result is stored in target.dlc
delete Signal: --deleteSignal=mySignal,mySignal2 source.dbc target.dbc
this will remove signales mySignal
and mySignal2
in source.dbc
and store the result in target.dlc
rename Signal: --renameSignal=mySignal:myNewSignal,mySignal2:myNewSignal2 source.dbc target.dbc
this will load source.dbc
and rename signals mySignal
in myNewSignal
and mySignal2
in myNewSignal2
The result is stored in target.dlc
canFD: --setFrameFd=myFrame,myFrame2 source.dbc target.dbc
this will set frame-type of myFrame
and myFrame2
in source.dbc
to CANFD and store the result in target.dlc
list) Syntax: --setFrameFd=myFrame1,mySecondFrame --unsetFrameFd=myFrame,myFrame2 source.dbc target.dbc
this will set frame-type of myFrame
and myFrame2
in source.dbc
to normal (not FD) and store the result in target.dlc
list) Syntax: --unsetFrameFd=myFrame1,mySecondFrame
extract one ecu out of matrix --ecus=REAR_ECU source.dbc target.dbc
This generates a target.dbc
with all Informations out of source.dbc
which are needed for REAR_ECU
All frames which are received or sent by REAR_ECU
are extracted. Also all attributes of the frames and the ECU.
This is some lite ECU-Extract.
extract multiple ecus out of matrix: --ecus=FRONT_ECU,REAR_ECU source.dbc target.dbc
extract frame[s] out of matrix: --frames=REAR_FRAME,FRONT_FRAME source.dbc target.dbc
Extracts the frames REAR_FRAME
with the needed ECUs and attributes.
merge multiple databases: --merge=second.dbc source.dbc target.dbc
Merges source.dbc
and second.dbc
in target.dbc
merge ECU from other database: --merge=second.dbc:ecu=REAR_ECU source.dbc target.dbc
Merges REAR_ECU out of second.dbc
with source.dbc
and store result in target.dbc
merge FRAME from other database: --merge=second.dbc:frame=REAR_FRAME source.dbc target.dbc
Merges REAR_FRAME out of second.dbc
with source.dbc
and store result in target.dbc
combinations and multiple extraction possible: --merge=second.dbc:ecu=REAR_ECU:ecu=FRONT_ECU:frame=FRAME1:FRAME=FRAME2 source.dbc target.dbc
Merges REAR_ECU and FRONT_ECU and FRAME1 and FRAME2 out of second.dbc
with source.dbc
and store result in target.dbc
all formats support im-/export of signals and frames
-h, --help
show help message and exit
Output verbosity
don't print status messages to stdout. (only errors)
enforce output format, ignoring output file extension (e.g., -f csv)
delete zero length signals (signals with 0 bit length) from matrix default False
recalculate dlc; max: use maximum of stored and calculated dlc; force: force new calculated dlc
Export Canard compatible json format
Copy only given ECUs (comma separated list) to target matrix
Copy only given Framess (comma separated list) to target matrix
merge additional can databases. Syntax: --merge filename[:ecu=SOMEECU][:frame=FRAME1][:frame=FRAME2],filename2
delete Ecu form databases. (comma separated list) Syntax: --deleteEcu=myEcu,mySecondEcu
rename Ecu form databases. (comma separated list) Syntax: --renameEcu=myOldEcu:myNewEcu,mySecondEcu:mySecondNewEcu
delete Frame form databases. (comma separated list) Syntax: --deleteFrame=myFrame1,mySecondFrame
rename Frame form databases. (comma separated list) Syntax: --renameFrame=myOldFrame:myNewFrame,mySecondFrame:mySecondNewFrame
delete Signal form databases. (comma separated list) Syntax: --deleteSignal=mySignal1,mySecondSignal
rename Signal form databases. (comma separated list) Syntax: --renameSignal=myOldSignal:myNewSignal,mySecondSignal:mySecondNewSignal
Import charset of dbc (relevant for units), maybe utf-8 default iso-8859-1
Import charset of Comments in dbc default iso-8859-1
Export charset of dbc (relevant for units), maybe utf-8 default iso-8859-1
Export charset of comments in dbc default iso-8859-1
Import charset of dbf, maybe utf-8 default iso-8859-1
Export charset of dbf, maybe utf-8 default iso-8859-1
Import charset of sym format, maybe utf-8 default iso-8859-1
Export charset of sym format, maybe utf-8 default iso-8859-1
Excel format for startbit of motorola coded signals. Valid values: msb, lsb, msbreverse default msbreverse. [more about starbits...](
--csvAdditionalSignalAttributes append additional signal-collums to csv, example: is_signed,attributes["GenSigStartValue"]
Ignore any can cluster info from arxml; Import all frames in one matrix default 0
Export Canard compatible json format
Json format for startbit of motorola coded signals. Valid values: msb, lsb, msbreverse default lsb. [more about starbits...](
- kdc
- csv
Format | ECUs | Mux | S/R of Signal | Cycletype | Cycletime | Baudrate | Extended | Byteorder | scaling | min/max | attributes | value tables | signal groups |
arxml | + | + | + | + | |||||||||
dbc | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |
dbf | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | ||
json | + | ||||||||||||
kcd | + | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||
sym | + | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||
xls(x) | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | ||||
csv | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | * | + | |||
xml | + | + | + | + | + |
Format | ECUs | Mux | S/R of Signal | Cycletype | Cycletime | Baudrate | Extended | Byteorder | scaling | min/max | attributes | value tables | signal groups |
arxml | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |
dbc | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |
dbf | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | ||
kcd | + | + | + | + | + | ||||||||
sym | + | + | + | + | + | + | |||||||
xls(x) | + | + | + | + | + | + | p | p | p |
Have Fun,
feel free to contact me for any suggestions