All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Do not remove the "Unreleased" header; it is used in the automated release workflow.
- #619 fix: GraphQL throws TypeError: Cannot read property 'startToken' of undefined (@obecny)
- #643 fix(user-interaction): event listeners have wrong this when listening for bubbled events (@t2t2)
- #562 fix(mysql): bind get connection callback to active context (@sstone1)
- #589 fix(hapi-instrumentation): close spans on errors in instrumented functions (@CptSchnitz)
- #580 fix: redis instrumentation loses context when using callbacks (@aspectom)
- Other
- #593 feat: move aws/gcp detectors from opentelemetry-js repo (@legendecas)
- Other
- #648 ci: speed up lint workflow with hoisting (@YanivD)
- #614 ci: speed up PR unit-test run time (@blumamir)
- #612 chore: ignore renovate-bot for component owners (@dyladan)
- #597 chore: add script to update core dependencies (@dyladan)
- #606 chore: add ownership for aws propagator (@dyladan)
- #601 chore: configure renovate to bump API (@Flarna)
- #615 docs: correct the build instructions (@jessitron)
- Amir Blum (@blumamir)
- Bartlomiej Obecny (@obecny)
- Daniel Dyla (@dyladan)
- Gerhard Stöbich (@Flarna)
- Herman (@hermanbanken)
- Jessica Kerr (@jessitron)
- Ofer Adelstein (@CptSchnitz)
- Ran Nozik (@nozik)
- Rauno Viskus (@Rauno56)
- Simon Stone (@sstone1)
- Tom Zach (@aspectom)
- William Armiros (@willarmiros)
- Yaniv Davidi (@YanivD)
- legendecas (@legendecas)
- meteorlxy (@meteorlxy)
- t2t2 (@t2t2)
- Other
- #571 fix(instrumentation-hapi): change root span name to route name (@CptSchnitz)
- #566 feat(aws-lambda): added eventContextExtractor config option (@prsnca)
- #592 chore(deps): upgrade @types/pino to be compatible with latest sonic-stream types (@legendecas)
- #583 style: use single quotes everywhere and add a rule to eslint (@CptSchnitz)
- #549 chore: enable typescript 4.3 option noImplicitOverride (@Flarna)
- Amir Blum (@blumamir)
- Bartlomiej Obecny (@obecny)
- Daniel Dyla (@dyladan)
- Daniel Hermon (@syncush)
- Gerhard Stöbich (@Flarna)
- Ofer Adelstein (@CptSchnitz)
- Yaron (@prsnca)
- legendecas (@legendecas)
- Other
- Bartlomiej Obecny (@obecny)
- Daniel Dyla (@dyladan)
- Gerhard Stöbich (@Flarna)
- Nir Hadassi (@nirsky)
- Rauno Viskus (@Rauno56)
- Severin Neumann (@svrnm)
- Siim Kallas (@seemk)
- Yaron (@prsnca)
- natashz (@nata7che)
- #537 fix(instrumentation-user-interaction): support clicks in React apps (@kkruk-sumo)
- Daniel Dyla (@dyladan)
- Krystian Kruk (@kkruk-sumo)
- #524 [Hapi example] Fix undefined api.statusCode (@GradedJestRisk)
- Other
- Daniel Dyla (@dyladan)
- Gerhard Stöbich (@Flarna)
- Krystian Kruk (@kkruk-sumo)
- Ran Nozik (@nozik)
- Rauno Viskus (@Rauno56)
- @GradedJestRisk
- #488 fix: dns plugin remove hostname attribute (@svrnm)
- #468 moving dev dependency for types to main dependency (@obecny)
- Other
- #517 feat: use rpcMetadata to update http span name #464 (@vmarchaud)
- #441 feat(instrumentation-document-load): documentLoad attributes enhancement (@kkruk-sumo)
- Other
- #472 docs: Explicitly state that express instrumentation does not export spans without http instrumentation (@svrnm)
- #450 chore: prefer use of global TracerProvider/MeterProvider (@Flarna)
- Amir Blum (@blumamir)
- Anuraag Agrawal (@anuraaga)
- Bartlomiej Obecny (@obecny)
- Daniel Dyla (@dyladan)
- Gerhard Stöbich (@Flarna)
- Krystian Kruk (@kkruk-sumo)
- Min Xia (@mxiamxia)
- Nir Hadassi (@nirsky)
- Paul Draper (@pauldraper)
- Ran Nozik (@nozik)
- Rauno Viskus (@Rauno56)
- Severin Neumann (@svrnm)
- Siim Kallas (@seemk)
- Valentin Marchaud (@vmarchaud)
- William Armiros (@willarmiros)
- t2t2 (@t2t2)
- Other
- Other
- Anuraag Agrawal (@anuraaga)
- Bartlomiej Obecny (@obecny)
- Daniel Dyla (@dyladan)
- Rauno Viskus (@Rauno56)
- Severin Neumann (@svrnm)
- Siim Kallas (@seemk)
- Valentin Marchaud (@vmarchaud)
- William Armiros (@willarmiros)
- @gregoryfranklin
- Other
- #366 Add automated release workflows (@willarmiros)
- #327 feat: enable root span to contain route (@DinaYakovlev)
- Other
- Bartlomiej Obecny (@obecny)
- Daniel Dyla (@dyladan)
- Dina.Yakovlev (@DinaYakovlev)
- Gerhard Stöbich (@Flarna)
- Jakub Malinowski (@jtmalinowski)
- Siim Kallas (@seemk)
- Valentin Marchaud (@vmarchaud)
- William Armiros (@willarmiros)
- Wolfgang Ziegler (@z1c0)
- #367 docs(readme): fix links (@Hongbo-Miao)
- #354 refactor: migrate mongodb to instrumentation #250 (@vmarchaud)
- #381 chore: fixing the graphql example and allowing support version of graph from ver 14 (@obecny)
- #372 feat(instrumentation-ioredis): add requireParentSpan option to config (@blumamir)
- Amir Blum (@blumamir)
- Bartlomiej Obecny (@obecny)
- Daniel Dyla (@dyladan)
- Hongbo Miao (@Hongbo-Miao)
- Valentin Marchaud (@vmarchaud)
- #330 Allow negative performance timings (@mhennoch)
- #302 feat: add instrumentation-dns (@Flarna)
- #301 feat: add ioredis instrumentation (@Flarna)
- #324 User interaction instrumentation (@obecny)
- #328 added github workflow for unit tests (@willarmiros)
- Bartlomiej Obecny (@obecny)
- Gerhard Stöbich (@Flarna)
- MartenH (@mhennoch)
- William Armiros (@willarmiros)
- Other
- #322 Fix link (@jonaskello)
- #310 fix: move semantic-conventions to regular dependencies (@dobesv)
- #281 fix(koa): End span and record exception on a middleware exception (@oguzbilgener)
- Other
- Amir Blum (@blumamir)
- Daniel Dyla (@dyladan)
- Dobes Vandermeer (@dobesv)
- Gerhard Stöbich (@Flarna)
- Jonas Kello (@jonaskello)
- Matthew Wear (@mwear)
- Oğuz Bilgener (@oguzbilgener)
- #299 chore: fixing parent span for graphql (@obecny)
- #300 chore: fixing async resolvers for graphql (@obecny)
- #290 docs: fix links to examples (@aabmass)
- #273 feat: enable root span route instrumentation without any express layer spans (@shyimo)
- #298 Add CodeQL Security Scans (@amanbrar1999)
- Aaron Abbott (@aabmass)
- Aman Brar (@amanbrar1999)
- Bartlomiej Obecny (@obecny)
- Dobes Vandermeer (@dobesv)
- Gerhard Stöbich (@Flarna)
- Johannes Würbach (@johanneswuerbach)
- Shai Moria (@shyimo)
- Other
- #265 feat: Add GitHub Actions Resource Detector (@smithclay)
- #268 fix: missing .fields() method in jaeger propagator (@jtmalinowski)
- Other
- #259 fix(plugin-document-load): check if getEntriesByType is available before using it (@mhennoch)
- #257 docs(readme): add @opentelemetry/instrumentation-graphql (@Hongbo-Miao)
- Amir Blum (@blumamir)
- Bartlomiej Obecny (@obecny)
- Clay Smith (@smithclay)
- Gerhard Stöbich (@Flarna)
- Hongbo Miao (@Hongbo-Miao)
- Jakub Malinowski (@jtmalinowski)
- MartenH (@mhennoch)
- #221 fix: wrapper function for hapi route & plugins (@jk1z)
- #225 pg spans disconnected from parent (@obecny)
- #208 [mysql] fix: ensure span name is a string to avoid [object Object] as span name (@naseemkullah)
- #175 fix: accept EventListener callbacks (@johnbley)
- #188 fix(express): listen for
event on response for async express layer #107 (@vmarchaud)
- Other
- #176 feat: reduce root span cardinality in express plugin (@gecgooden)
- #226 feature: Graphql (@obecny)
- #215 Allow redis version 3.0.0 and above (@akshah123)
- #212 docs: update dns status and add hapi koa (@naseemkullah)
- Ankit Shah (@akshah123)
- Bartlomiej Obecny (@obecny)
- Daniel Dyla (@dyladan)
- George Gooden (@gecgooden)
- Jack Zhang (@jk1z)
- John Bley (@johnbley)
- Mark (@MarkSeufert)
- Naseem (@naseemkullah)
- Valentin Marchaud (@vmarchaud)
- #186 [size/XS] fix: fixes broken readme links (@michaelgoin)
- #171 feat: Hapi auto-instrumentation (@carolinee21)
- #144 feat: adding Koa instrumentation (@carolinee21)
- Other
- #183 [mysql] implement semantic conventions (@naseemkullah)
- #196 fix: new version with TextMapPropagator interface (@jufab)
- #184 chore: moved plugins-node-all into contrib repo from opentelemetry-js (@michaelgoin)
- #187 [mongodb] implement semantic db conventions (@naseemkullah)
- #172 [Plugin User Interaction]: Improve causality of spans from bubbled events (@johnbley)
- #164 feat: Add React Plugin (@thgao)
- #170 fix: various compilation errors (@naseemkullah)
- #167 ioredis and redis DB semantic conventions (@naseemkullah)
- #194 Ioredis cleanup (@naseemkullah)
- #195 redis cleanup (@naseemkullah)
- #192 Handful of document-load fixes (@johnbley)
- #191 Zone.js fixed failing build (@obecny)
- #174 feat(opentelemetry-plugin-pg): omit pg.values by default (@sergioregueira)
- Bartlomiej Obecny (@obecny)
- John Bley (@johnbley)
- Julien Fabre (@jufab)
- Michael Goin (@michaelgoin)
- Naseem (@naseemkullah)
- Sergio Regueira (@sergioregueira)
- Shivkanya Andhare (@shivkanya9146)
- Tina Gao (@thgao)
- @carolinee21
- #162 chore: clean up span naming (@johnbley)
- #165 chore: bump opentelemetry core dependencies (@dyladan)
- Bartlomiej Obecny (@obecny)
- Daniel Dyla (@dyladan)
- John Bley (@johnbley)
- Mark Wolff (@markwolff)
- Mayur Kale (@mayurkale22)
- Naseem (@naseemkullah)
- Niall Kelly (@nkelly75)
- Shivkanya Andhare (@shivkanya9146)
- Valentin Marchaud (@vmarchaud)
- @rezakrimi
- Niall Kelly (@nkelly75)
Released 2020-05-29
- #30 Support OpenTelemetry SDK 0.8.x (@dyladan)
- #34 Enhanced Database Reporting for MongoDB (@romil-punetha)
- #33 feat(opentelemetry-plugin-ioredis): provide a custom serializer fn for db.statement (@marcoreni)
- Marco Reni (@marcoreni)
- Romil Punetha (@romil-punetha)
- Daniel Dyla (@dyladan)
Released 2020-04-27
- #910 fix(plugin-express): fix double span end #908 (@vmarchaud)
- #5 fix(mongodb): avoid double patching when enable is called twice (@vmarchaud)
- #914 feat: add express to default list of instrumented plugins (@mayurkale22)
- Valentin Marchaud (@vmarchaud)
- Mayur Kale (@mayurkale22)
- Daniel Dyla (@dyladan)
Released 2020-04-08
For details about this release and all previous releases, see