O Umamão é uma comunidade de acadêmicos e profissionais trocando conteúdo de qualidade na forma de perguntas e respostas.
O site, no momento (Novembro de 2010), está em um beta restrito às comunidades USP e Unicamp, mas temos planos de estender o acesso a outras universidades e idiomas em breve.
Para acompanhar notícias sobre o Umamão, siga-nos no Twitter, no Facebook, e no nosso blog.
Você também pode nos contactar diretamente através do email contato@umamao.com.
Se estiver interessado em contribuir no desenvolvimento do código, dê uma olhada no tópico "Umamão (desenvolvimento)". Se tiver dúvidas, pode perguntar ali mesmo :)
Umamão is a knowledge-sharing community of academics and professionals focused on creating high-quality content in the form of questions and answers.
The website is, as of November 2010, in a private beta in two Brazilian universities (USP and Unicamp), but we have plans to roll it out to more universities and languages soon.
To stay up-to-date on all things Umamão, you follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and our blog. (Everything is in Portuguese for now.)
You can also contact us in Portuguese or in English at contato@umamao.com.
- mongodb
- ruby 1.8.7
Please refer to their installation guide
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle
$ cp config/shapado.yml{.sample,} && vim config/shapado.yml
$ cp config/database.yml{.sample,} && vim config/database.yml
# echo ' localhost.lan' >> /etc/hosts
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ bundle exec rake bootstrap
$ bundle exec rails s
$ bundle exec rake jobs:work
If you're on a Mac you'll probably have trouble installing ruby from rvm. If
ruby fails to compile because of readline
, make sure you have it installed.
If you don't you can either compile it manually or use
Homebrew to install it.
$ curl -O ftp://ftp.cwru.edu/pub/bash/readline-6.2.tar.gz
$ tar xvfz readline-6.2.tar.gz
$ cd readline-6.2
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
$ make
$ sudo make install
With Homebrew:
$ brew install readline
Then install ruby:
$ rvm install 1.8.7 --with-readline-dir=/usr/local/
Umamão is a fork of Shapado, a free software project under the AGPL. We are forever indebted to its authors for providing a base for us to build upon. As our focus is very different from theirs, our codebases have drifted apart, and are now in practice unmergeable (hence the repository rename), but we want to collaborate further with them as we get more resources.