Google Mock mocks generator based on libclang
git clone --recursive
Usage: [options] files...
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c FILE, --config=FILE config FILE (default='gmock.conf')
-d DIR, --dir=DIR dir for generated mocks (default='.')
-l LIMIT, --limit=LIMIT limit to interfaces within declaration (default='')
./ file.hpp
will create mocks files in current directory for all interfaces
./ -c "gmock.conf" -d "test/mocks" -l "namespace::class" file1.hpp file2.hpp
will create directory 'test/mocks' and mocks files within this directory for all interfaces (contains at least one pure virtual function) which will be within 'namespace::class' declaration
./ -d "test/mocks" file1.hpp file2.hpp -- -D PROJECT -Iproject/include
'--' separates arguments between script and compiler
find project -iname "*.h" -or -iname "*.hpp" | xargs "project/externals/" \
-c "project/conf/gmock.conf" \
-d "project/test/mocks" \
-l "Project" \
-- \
-Iproject/include \
- it's reliable (based on clang compiler)
- it's fast (tested on project ~200 kloc -> generation of mocs takes 3-5s on common laptop)
- output file might be easily adopted to the project via configuration file
- easy integration with the project build system -> generate mocks files for each interface from given files limited to the project (for example via project namespace)
- able to generate cpp files with default constructors (to speed up compilation times)
- generate pretty output (one mock per file)
- mocking class templates
- easy to extend (~300 lines of code)
- handle c++ operators
virtual int operator()(int, double) = 0;
virtual int operator()(int arg0, double arg1) { return call_operator(arg0, arg1); }
MOCK_METHOD2(call_operator, int(int, double));
#possible variables:
# file: interface file name
# dir: interface directory
# guard: header guard
# template: template parameters
# template_interface: template interface class
# interface: interface class
# mock_methods: generated gmock methods
# generated_dir: generated directory
# mock_file_hpp: mock header file
# mock_file_cpp: mock source file
mock_file_hpp = "%(interface)sMock.hpp"
file_template_hpp = """\
* file generated by gmock: %(mock_file_hpp)s
#ifndef %(guard)s
#define %(guard)s
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "%(dir)s/%(file)s"
%(template)sclass %(interface)sMock : public %(template_interface)s
#endif // %(guard)s
mock_file_cpp = ""
file_template_cpp = ""
* file generated by gmock: I2Mock.hpp
#ifndef I2MOCK_HPP
#define I2MOCK_HPP
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "I2.hpp"
namespace n {
class I2Mock : public I2
MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(f0, void());
MOCK_METHOD1(f1, void(int));
MOCK_METHOD1(f2, void(double));
MOCK_METHOD2(f3, void(int, double));
MOCK_METHOD3(f4, void(int, double, const std::string &));
MOCK_METHOD1(f5, int(const std::string &));
MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(f6, boost::shared_ptr<int>(const boost::shared_ptr<int> &));
MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(f7, const int&());
MOCK_METHOD0(f8, boost::function<void(int)>());
MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(f9, boost::non_type<int,0>(const boost::non_type<int, 1> &));
MOCK_METHOD0(f10, const int*const ());
MOCK_METHOD0(f11, const void());
virtual int operator()() { return function_call_or_cast_operator(); }
MOCK_METHOD0(function_call_or_cast_operator, int());
} // namespace n
#endif // I2MOCK_HPP
* file generated by gmock: TMock.hpp
#ifndef TMOCK_HPP
#define TMOCK_HPP
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "T.hpp"
namespace n {
template<typename Elem>
class TMock : public T<Elem>
MOCK_CONST_METHOD0_T(GetSize, int());
MOCK_METHOD1_T(Push, void(const Elem &));
} // namespace n
#endif // TMOCK_HPP
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.