ShellcodeTester officially supports Python 3.8+.
- Assembly ASM file (32 and 64 bits)
- Assembly ASM file to Windows, Linux and MacOS
- Check badchars
- Output to several formats
- NASM Shell
- Other amazing features...
shellcodetester -asm file.asm
This command will assembly the ASM file and compile an ELF binary
ShellcodeTester v0.2.0 by Helvio Junior (M4v3r1ck)
ShellcodeTester is a tool to assembly, compile and test ASM shellcode.
[+] Startup parameters
command line: shellcodetester -asm test_linux.asm
log level: NOTSET
transform format: RAW
bad chars: 0x00
[+] start time 2023-02-12 01:53:56
[+] Assembling x86 file teste_linux.asm to /home/shellcodetester/st_test_linux.o
[+] Compiling x86 binary to /home/shellcodetester/st_test_linux.elf32
[+] Payload size: 65 bytes
[+] Final size of RAW data: 160 bytes
[+] End time 2023-02-12 01:53:56
$ nasm_shell
┌─[NASM Shell]─[x86 linux]─[ASM → Hex]
└──╼➤ push eax
[+] Payload size: 1 bytes
[+] Final size of RAW data: 2 bytes
[+] Disassembly
0: 50 push eax
┌─[NASM Shell]─[x86 linux]─[ASM → Hex]
└──╼➤ push eax ; retn 4
[+] Payload size: 4 bytes
[+] Final size of RAW data: 8 bytes
[+] Disassembly
0: 50 push eax
1: c2 04 00 ret 0x4
$ nasm_shell --mode dis
┌─[NASM Shell]─[x86 linux]─[Hex → ASM]
└──╼➤ 50ff501c
[+] Payload size: 4 bytes
[+] Final size of RAW data: 8 bytes
[+] Disassembly
0: 50 push eax
1: ff 50 1c call DWORD PTR [eax+0x1c]
$ nasm_shell --arch x86_64
┌─[NASM Shell]─[x86_64 linux]─[ASM → Hex]
└──╼➤ push rax
[+] Payload size: 1 bytes
[+] Final size of RAW data: 2 bytes
[+] Disassembly
0: 50 push rax
┌─[NASM Shell]─[x86_64 linux]─[ASM → Hex]
└──╼➤ push rax ; push rbx
[+] Payload size: 2 bytes
[+] Final size of RAW data: 4 bytes
[+] Disassembly
0: 50 push rax
1: 53 push rbx
pip3 install --upgrade shellcodetester
$ shellcodetester -h
ShellcodeTester v0.X.X by Helvio Junior (M4v3r1ck)
ShellcodeTester is a tool to assembly, compile and test ASM shellcode.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
General Setting:
-asm [ASM file name] Assembly file to be assembled
-o [output file] Save output to disk (default: none)
Custom Settings:
--break-point Set software breakpoint (INT3) before shellcode (default: false)
--bad-chars [bad char list] List of bad chars to highlight (ex: \x00\x0a, default: \0x00)
--remove Remove bad chars from final binary executable (EXE, ELF and Mach-O). (default: false)
--cave-size [size] Code cave size (default: 1024)
--fill-with-nop Fill entire page with NOP (default: false)
--list List all supported output format
-f [format], --format [format] Output format (use --list formats to list)
-v, --verbose Shows more options (-h -v). Prints commands and outputs. (default: quiet)
$ nasm_shell -h
-h, --help show this help message and exit
General Setting:
--mode [mode] Operation mode. (default: assembly, permitted: assembly and disassembly)
--arch [architecture] Architecture to assembly/disassembly. (default: x86, permitted: x86_64 and x86)
--platform [platform] Platform. (permitted: linux, windows and darwin)
Custom Settings:
--bad-chars [bad char list] List of bad chars to highlight (ex: \x00\x0a, default: \0x00)
--list List all supported output format
-f [format], --format [format] Output format (use --list formats to list)
-v, --verbose Shows more options (-h -v). Prints commands and outputs. (default: quiet)
-q, --quiet Quiet mode, not show banners. (default: false)
Check specific instructions by Windows Users