This is a simple AI shell helper written in GO. It uses OpenAI API to generate a plausible shell command from a given prompt. As soon as the command is generated, the user can choose to execute it or revise it adding more context.
Be sure to have a working Go environment, then run the following command:
$ go install
Clone the repository and build the binary:
$ make
Pre-built binaries are available for Linux and macOS on the releases page.
environment variable.
$ ai-shell-go print first 3 lines of each file in a directory
🤖 Here is your command line:
$ head -n 3 *
This command uses the `head` utility to print the first 3 lines of each file in the current directory (`*` is a wildcard that matches all files in the directory). The `-n 3` flag specifies that it should print only the first 3 lines.
[E]xecute, [R]evise, [Q]uit? >