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A 3D game engine.

The project is still very WIP!

This repository contains the engine and the core package. ... which is pretty useless for itself. Take a look at the example package at to see how it can be used.



  • audio
  • physics
  • rendering (optimized for 3D; OpenGL 3.2)
  • shaders (GLSL)
  • image loading/processing
  • mesh processing
  • integrated profilers
  • scripting (Lua)
  • package oriented


  • attachment targets
    • relevant 'engine objects' (like audio sources, models, lights, cameras) can be attached
    • currently attachment targets are only solids, but this can easily be extended if needed
    • can be the foundation for a scene graph, which could be implemented entirely in Lua
  • shaders see variables from their environment
    • model, light, camera, shader program, global
  • textures are bound directly to GLSL samplers, no need to care about texture units
  • only models affected by a light source are rendered with it
  • logic takes place in scripts (Lua), while performance critical code is implemented natively
  • packages group assets and scripts and are accessible via a virtual file system

Planned Features

  • multiplayer
  • better support for voxel-based games
    • cellular automata for fluid simulation (a prototype is being developed)
    • mesh generators
  • concurrency (this includes deferred loading and reloading of assets)
  • render-to-texture (via the render target interface, which is already present)

Running the engine

The engine has the following command line interface:

konstrukt [options] <scenario package> <other packages ...>


--state=... (optional)

Path to a directory in which the simulation state can be stored. Without this option the engine will create a temporary directory.

--shared-state=... (optional)

Path to a directory which stores data, that is shared by all/multiple scenarios. Without this option the engine will create a temporary directory.

-I... (optional)

Add a package search path. That is a directory, which is used to resolve package file names. The engines default search path is always tried first.

--config=... (optional)

Add config values by parsing the given INI file.

-D<key>=<value> (optional)

Set a config value.


Packages must be passed either using their base name or file path.

A packages base name looks like this: <name>.<major>.<minor>.<patch> (e. g. example.1.2.3)

If a package is passed using its base name, the engine uses the search paths to resolve its file path.

The first package is used as scenario.


Runtime dependencies:

Compile time dependencies:

  • CMake
  • Python 3 (needed by flextGL)
  • Python 3 package wheezy.template (needed by flextGL)


If the compiler complains about a missing OnDebugEvent function, then enable the KONSTRUKT_GL_DEBUG_FIX in CMake. The problem occurs, when the OpenGL ARB_debug_output extension defines its callback syntax with a slightly different parameter set. If you know why this happens, it would be great if you could send me a short note. :)

Running the tests

The tests use the Test Anything Protocol. A TAP compatible test runner like prove can be used to run the test suite.

The tests are located in engine/tests and core-test.

License and copyright

Copyright © Henry Kielmann

Konstrukt is licensed under the MIT license, which can be found in the LICENSE file.

The project comes bundled with a number of dependencies, each with its own license. See their respective readme and license files in the third-party folder for details.