The aim of this project is to help test that different Clojurescript build types can successfully consume an npm-depending library.
This project was created to support my guide to authoring Clojurescript libraries
This project currently just tests the npm-depending library, but is easily changed to test other libraries.
Ultimately I would like to automate this so you can point it to any Clojurescript lib like so:
make test-lib {my-lib {:mvn/version "1.1"}} my-test-ns.cljs
and it would point the compiled js files to a cljs test runner to produce a report about pass/fail, build size etc.
make list
shows the available build targets. For each, run the task e.g. make target-bundle
and open a browser at http://localhost:9000 and open the console.
You should see a sensible message printed if the build succeeded.
The top-level Makefile shows the commands used to compile for each build tool
Change the top-level deps.edn to point to your library and change the contents of the
namespace to do something to use the library.
It is important for library authors to check if an npm-depending library works when subjected to advanced compilation. Also useful is to be able to let users of the library know what they must do to make your library work - whatever their Clojurescript build setup. So this library does both those things: provides examples of all the build tools compiling an npm-depending library under advanced optimization.